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fun fact: Mimi's source file was number 69. (technically 71 but i had mistagged 2 posts)


Cesil's source file. As with Mimi, some parts may be suggestive, and the various animation layers are grouped and synced.

Cesil has an additional pair of animation groups for her hair lineart and color, which is only occasionally used for elements that repeat (most outfits have unique hairstyles so I integrated them to the clothes).

Her body is also more complicated as I separated her legs into two groups, for in front and behind her (which in hindsight was completely unnecessary and only made more work for me.)

As before, clicking a frame on the timeline, or a layer in an animation group will take you to that frame (and thus, outfit) where it appears.



Simone Spinozzi

Don;t try a contest of cringy dirty mind jokes because i will bring you down to my level and then beat you with "experience". And... Honestly if you have to group legs in a spider body for animation i'd have gone with the even and odd method, since when spider legs move the pattern they use is roughly that. 😅 And yes, i know i'm an idiot since those legs do not move. 😅😅😅🤦


Even then, even/odd would be more for 3D animation than 2D, and would need to be done with controllers, rather than direct animation In 2D if you were to group them together, then that means each pair would follow the same 2D movement, which would result in one leg detaching and flying off in one direction. It'd also mean legs on the far back side would appear in front, along with the legs that actually do need to appear in front. Grouping in 2D animation is far more literal. It's literally "layer batches." Stuff in one group will all be in front / behind stuff in other groups--can't mix and match. (Well you can in some cases but not without great difficulty.)

Simone Spinozzi

I'm sorry i don'nt do animations, i thought there was still a rudimentary skeleton and some inverse kinematics involved, since those fladh animations seemed to suggest something like that by looking at them. Unfortunately... I literally don't know the first thing about opening your clip files, i just said what made sense from an "animation illiterate" standing point. Sorry about that. 😓


it's cool, just thought it might be something interesting to share