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I know I said I was taking a bit of a break, but I wanted to get some headway on this and get this all written down.

These are the FULL animations for the spider sequence. Parts of these loop, you can see based on the markers in the corner. I'm not doing something as detailed as the harpy one cause if I did this wouldn't be done for another year and I do not want to work on it that long. The harpy one's gonna be a special scenario basically, the rest won't be like it.

So, here's the plan, so I don't get burned out again and so I get this done:

The animations are gonna have polish during the AE process. These include:

  • Lighting effects
  • Parallaxing with the background + camera work
  • Potentially sound effects
  • They will be a video file, but easily converted into gifs on my end. Both formats will be available.

There will not be transitions or dialog. (Or at least, not a lot of dialog.) The story elements, though something I wanted to do, were bogging this down too much and would've been more fitting for a comic. I may have a type-up on the gifset. But trying to make everything lead into each other was just causing undue headaches. The rigs I made weren't built for that kinda stuff, they were built just for the sex scenes they appear in, and if I wanted to do a lot of dialog I should've built em different from the start.

So, axing that, each scene will consist of basically 3 'gifs:' 2 loops and then 1 climax.

With the spider ones, as well as the harpy ones, I now need to:

  • Draw the background
  • Composite it in AE with the BG
  • Add in lighting via some simple effect filters
  • Make the loops happen (hence why you see the markers in the full thing, that's something I'd mask out)
  • Do some minor camera animation

All that's easily doable. Of all this the hardest thing is drawing the BG, which isn't hard at all.

I still need to do the final animations for the mermaid and snake forms, so there's 4 more things to animate. Then I have to do these tasks for them as well.

Thank you all for being patient with this. I really bit off a lot when I started this project and I feel ashamed that it's taken so long, but now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was gonna make a comment of when to expect it but that'd deadline myself and then would result in me subconsciously fighting to put it off. So instead just take a vague 'soon.'

I have other projects I want to start as well that I refuse to start til this is done, so there's additional incentive for me to be diligent.

Task List:

  • Layout and rigging complete:  🐦🧜🐍🕷️ 
  • Loop 1 complete:   🐦🧜🐍🕷️ 
  • Loop 2 complete:   🐦🧜🐍🕷️ 
  • Climax animation Complete:  🐦🕷️ 
  • Background Prepared: 
  • AE compositing complete:



Emi Kasumi

These are some cool animations, so I'm glad we're gonna get to see your work after all!