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So, recently Patreon's payment processor has moved from a US based one to a UK based one, which has resulted in a lot of US payments getting blocked by banks on fraud suspicions. This was completely unintended. As a result, atm nearly 25% of my patrons are currently declined.

You're able to resolve the decline by updating your payment information or contacting your bank to clear the charge. Patreon has acknowledged the issue as well. 

Additionally, if you notice say, your role is missing from the discord server, or you can't access posts, check to make sure that your pledge went through.



Mine seems to be fine. I was charged.


it didn't affect everyone, as I said it affected 25% of my patrons roughly.


Looks like I was charged the same as usual. Sounds like I'm good then. Sorry to hear about the other 25%. Hope this gets resolved soon.

Simone Spinozzi

I hope it goes okay for you. My pledges went through. They took a while, but they went through. I hope everything resolves well.


I actually got a the notice my self about 1 week ago that patreon was a fraudulent thing and I had to clear it with my banks fraud department


There was an announcement that "PayPal could not be used to pay for NSFW pledges" as well. Thing is, all the pledges I make are pretty much NSFW, I only use PayPal and, all of my pledges went through.


Test with PayPal first to make sure!


That was loooong ago. Paypal and Patreon reached an agreement like early 2016 / late 2015. The issue now actually has to do with banks and credit cards out of the US.