It's May (Patreon)
2018-05-03 00:01:33
So, the first leg of this month is actually going to be a bit slow.
As mentioned in a recent update, Courtney is coming to visit and she'll be here for 10 days. I'll have a little bit of work to do while she's here, but most of the time we're gonna be spending doing things together.
I've built up a bit of a buffer on the PV02 updates so this shouldn't interrupt the webcomic at all.
In terms of animation, I plan to have the animation done for Hiro this month. I may need a few lines rerecorded, but with Courtney here that can be done direct, using my setup. Audio and stuff may take a bit longer but hopefully it should be completed before June.
I dunno when that little gif I started yesterday will be done.
so yeah I think that's about everything.