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WIP of a Mimi drawing.

I kinda get hyperfixated on characters when I design them I think.

if I'd stop passing out right in the afternoon i'd actually be able to stream / get more done.

My sleep schedule's mostly fixed but now I'm just not getting enough.

ANYWAY: September was a bit slow of a month, as mentioned due to the trip and stuff. Things will be slowly getting back in gear.

If you're in one of the grandfathered request tiers and didn't get your request drawn, it's likely cause I didn't receive it until the trip, so I had no way to work on it, and then exhaustion and other work catchup kinda gimped my ability to even work on them. You can update your request when I send out the notice this month.

As mentioned, for this month i'm gonna be working on the Shantae animation. I'll likely be doing it in chunks, one for each form. It'd basically be a series of NSFW loops.

I also want to get more YCHs going. Maybe add in a halloween themed one into the mix.

Also, for those following the webcomic, i've tweaked a few elements of the site, so now there's a functioning archive. I think this month I'm really gonna polish up the website so it looks more presentable and less cluttered.
