June Character Form (Patreon)
Include a brief suggestion of a character and something involving them. A little bit of specificity helps! Example: instead of "my oc: <link>" try "my oc <link> making a sexy, pinup pose"
NSFW is okay! If you want to request something explicitly NSFW or SFW, be sure to specify. Otherwise I'll read it as open to interpretation.
If it is your own OC, or is from a series that I might not obviously recognize, it is mandatory to include a link to a reference image. Keep in mind these are anonymous so don't assume I know who is sending what.
You can edit you response at any time before the final results are in. I'll choose one or two of the results to draw, typically based at random.
NOTE: If you are in the $25 or $40 tier, please just message me with your request!