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Did a thing of Cesil, and started a WIP of Nazrin (to add to the pile of WIPs)

On a different note, this weekend was kinda terrible; mainly, I lost access to my FB account, which had 15 years of memories and was tied to my 67k follower page. This is probably the most devastated I've been since I broke up with my girlfriend a few years ago.

I've since made an alt and a new page. If you were someone who followed my FB page and want to refollow it, a link to it is here.

I still haven't moved to my new PC yet, still installing the last few programs (in fact it's partially to blame for what led to me losing my account, due to 2FA issues (do not try to offer solutions, trust me I've already explored them)). I hopefully should be in it by the end of this week but damn this has been stressful. Just keep moving forward.
