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Couple of short doodles today: Some emotes of Bit, and some Reisen with ungodly thicc thighs

MY PC IS NOW FULLY BUILT AND SET UP! I've gotten my licenses fixed for my Adobe programs (CS6), CSP works out the box, however Toon Boom requires me to go through support to fix my licensing issues, since I failed to return the license before migrating. (I still have my old box so I may be able to just plug it in and do so. DRM is a bitch either way.)

I'm in a good mood, namely now that the process is finally done, but my nerves are all over the place right now as a result lol.

EDIT: So was too good to be true, new PC started BSODing and is basically corrupted.

I've migrated back to my old rig, and will be doing a clean install of windows on the new one. As such it's gonna be a bit of a process to get everything up and running on the new machine.





Emi Kasumi

Oooh good thighs