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I don't usually upload height charts but since this update actually ended with the girls having different heights I thought that it would be nice to make one so you could have a point of reference.

All girl's final height on update 0.3 was 3.30 Meters (10.8 Feet) and John's height is 1.70 cm
(5.65 Feet).

If the conversion to feet happens to be wrong which it shouldn't (at least not by too much) then take as a reference the metric one, that's the height that I intended them to have for this update.) 




It seems like girls don't grow at the same rate. Is the future order of height will be in this order?


Update 0.5 will start with them at this size (Monica being the tallest as of now).


Luna is the Smallest?! Oh hell no! I gotta help make her the biggest! XD