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It's currently half past midnight and I'm just over the moon because today, after over two pet-less decades, we just brought home the most wonderful cat. Meet Misty!

We originally wanted one of her kittens but by the time our application got approved he had already gone home. we went to go meet all the available cats and she came right up to us immediately. It was really meant to be.

On the modding side of things, you may have seen that i was able to get V-Neck Niko out, while crop top Niko remains a patron exclusive for now... I recently go the sprinting animation to work in Blender, most rigging issues reveal themselves in that one, so it's wonderful to have it! Maybe I'll finally get back to work on fixing the beta Perseus shirt...

Though I'm here to tell you that the first phase of Cop Disguise/Uniform Niko is on the way after a loooong time of meaning to finish him! I still have to do a new UV on uppr 002 and do a complete remodeling of the big ol overcoat, but here's him with his long sleeve shirt (uppr 001 on m_y_cop)

i added a bunch of edge loops and did a lot of edits by hand, so it's not obviously street pedestrian level detail. the jacket (uppr 002) should be okay. but yeah, the level of detail is why the overcoat is getting overhauled.

all there is on this one though is an awkward spine issue i expected on the belt/bottom of the shirt, like his uppr and lowr are sliding apart, so I'll be fixing that... you can have this awkward edition of him if you join and download him from the discord server! im just really lazy and haven't made a download post on here, hahaha. so there's extra incentive to be in the server so you don't miss anything!


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