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"Let me reiterate that this is not going to become one of those Patreons. I can't be known as the naked Grand Theft Auto IV models guy. I just can't. As tasteful as they would be! But I can't. I won't... Unless? No."

A fool said this, on the 12th of February, just this year...

I've completed... ish... Shirtless Niko. I redid his UVs so texture space was utilized far more evenly, no more blurred, smudged sections, at elast nowhere that's important. and the UV map looks so much sexier compared to Dave's... Hard to believe I've been at this since at he very least September of 2022.

And now the real improvement: is no longer shiny and orange. (though you might see some... weirdness on the arms here? that looks like geometry clipping with itself? I forgot to switch off of hand 004, my tshirt arms!)

Finally painted those alpha channels for every drawable. Here's the diffuse's alpha channel.

With the assistance of a dear friend, i now know how to make those wonderful alpha maps.

Now... Here comes my apology.

I swore up and down I wouldn't come out with that kind of content. But people in the IV Modding server egged me on. Though I have to admit, I... didn't really attempt to stay strong or anything and not give in. But listen, this only exists as it does right now because I think its really funny. It's really silly. And I really tried looking up to see if Patreon would let me make a second page for this kind of content alone, separate from my main content. I swear to God, I do NOT want to make "GTA IV sex guy" my brand... As much as i have very sophisticated ideas of how the most robust hot coffee mod would be, that would require collaborators with any kind of script knowledge to partake, which i do not possess. If anybody knows anybody, come see me, it's really doable.


This is the point of no return.

Turn away if you do not want to see the pink, fleshy menace.

Or maybe like, shut your eyes and scroll down if you just want to get to download where you can acquire new and improved NOT nude Niko.




















"I'm sorry, Brucie, but I'm a little busy helicoptering something else around... Another time."


Here it is in Blender:

See, it's even got its own rig. But right now that's all rigged to the pelvis and its a little silly. I actually have some significant drawable seams issues between the lowr and upprin the back, and the lowr and the suse. I can't see a THING when it comes to the uppr and hands seams, and i have to reeally look for the chest seam on the shoulders, you can only see the seam on the back because i refuse to do edits to Niko's head other than the wtd and the embedded maps, so no way to change that UV to give it more texture space in the back of his neck.

Extremely wacky.


Here it is, just for patrons for now.

I've also begun retopologizing swimsuit (well, nude, but swimsuit at release) Packie, and last night i begun meshing Swimsuit Roman!!!

Doesn't even have finished arms, and aside from the chest connection, vanilla Dave topology and his nasty slides (its so bad!!!)

The most difficult part with Roman will be texturing him and somehow keeping his beautiful chest hair in tact... I started Shirtless Ray Boccino a number of months ago ( I know, very specific and personally gratifying) and lost all my steam because i couldn't even imagine figuring out how to do that with him.

(I'm sure you recognize this as Stubbs topology)

Shirtless Tony also exists only as a mesh where I was in the middle of figuring out how to integrate his vanilla hands, his unused arms, and a chest model I'd put together for him that made sense. I have no idea where that is, i sure hope i didn't lose that model because I can actually do what i was trying to achieve there pretty easy now.

EDIT: No, I found him! Totally will come back to him if i ever get around to Shirtless Luis.

When you're out streaking in Liberty City, just remember... If you get arrested, or if you end up in the hospital, they confiscate your weenor

EDIT: Just "fixed" the crouch bug with the suse. just download the new one from attachments. It's better but it was like... over-fixed. I'll be weight painting tonight.



a small price to pay for niko hog

Brynna Da Rosa

whatever you do dont crouch im getting a fix exported tomorrow hopefullt