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I am really happy to announce that I am putting the finishing touches on the January update of the Lake. It is one of the biggest updates ever released with some major changes. There are new areas, new buildings, and some things removed to make room for new things for a new year. i Have incorporated the barn house, the January Patreon top-tier giveaway. There is also a new island outcropping with more falls and a walkway extended from the cyprus walk already at the Lake. The gallery building added to the boardwalk last year has been replaced with a natural grove that features a couple new building assets as well i was i think it much more natural look for the Lake.

If you loved the gallery building like I did, dont worry, I may bring it back in the future once it has been evolved. I am also happy that the latest iteration of the Lake will be almost a full megabyte smaller than the previous version. Hopefully making the Lake a easier load and no lag for people with systems that may be a little older. 

The release is scheduled for January 2nd when we will sadly say good bye to the holiday Lake for another year, but its sure to come around again.




This looks great, Keely. I will always love the gallery, as you know, and I'm happy it may return in another form. Happy New Year! xox


Wow lots of changes and it looks beautiful. Also being released on my birthday which is just good luck.