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I know I've only released one feature length video and a bunch of shorts, but I've got major porno fatigue. I don't really watch porn myself, and I never understood some of the acts that take place in the majority of them. It's not the type of stuff that has ever come up in the bedroom for me. Not to shame anyone's tastes but I don't see the appeal in messy shit. I'm sure some people who participate in it don't either and just go along with it. Seriously, some porn actresses deserve academy awards for acting like they enjoy that sort of thing.


You know how they shoehorn romance into every movie and show because there's a certain group they're trying to market to? That's me.

I'd rather do sub-R rated lovey dovey stuff. If you go all the way back to my first animations you'll notice that's pretty much all I did before commissions and frequent complaints that my stuff wasn't hardcore enough. I'm gonna be going back to that. It'll help video production seem like less of a chore and keep it fun for me. It's also easier to gauge the quality of something when you're trying to please yourself. I think my "hardcore" stuff has been generally the shittiest of my work. Furthermore I won't be making "porn" so people won't get their panties in a bunch because I didn't pander to their fetish.

Note: All the software I used to make "How This All Happened" is free and there are tons of tutorials. The total budget was only $1500. If you want a porno movie that suits your fetish you should totally make your own. It's not that difficult, and it could be very profitable!

Of course commissions I've taken will all still be porn. If I ever take a commission again (it's been years) I'm gonna be pickier on those as well.

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I'd appreciate if you could also elaborate in the comments.


If I stuck to sexy, romantic movies rather then straight up porn would you enjoy it?

I'd like it! I'm not interested unless it's porn. It's better than nothing., but I'd rather have porn.


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