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Cool, huh?...

This wont affect anyone who is pledging but I will not be able to have any NSFW stuff released to public from now on. All of that stuff will have to be over at tumblr.

If you enjoyed the public stuff and want to see it from now on, you'll have to pledge $1 a month to get it.



I don't mind. But honestly. If patreon keeps up adding restrictions I think people should just leave and find a different way to pay artists. It helped you all grow your fans but if this keeps up....


Iv got a feeling patreon won't last long for pornographic artists. Are u saying that your sexy pics will only be on tumblr but if your pledging u can view them on patreon? If this is the end it's been an amazing 2 years


Okay, I think I get it. NSFW stuff has to be behind the pledge wall now. I follow other creators who are now being run off due to their content being classified undesirable altogether. I can't say I disagree with patreon's desire not to be associated with some of the more extreme stuff. They are a business and everyone's casting blame at anyone standing near anything politically incorrect these days. But, it's always a shame when freedom is reduced, especially when it is speech/expression.


Agreed. I know a few artist's work is "questionable" in the eyes of Patreon but I would still like to offer some of my work for free. It will just have to be over at Tumblr now. Or I could start a website of my own :)

mark peterson

If it affects content I will close my patreon accounts


I don't think it affects content, but it affects the free content displayed to the public :)