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"A woman, Rose, goes in search for her adopted daughter within the confines of a strange, desolate town called Silent Hill."

'What the hell did I just watch' for 600, Alex.


You will have your own copy, or access to, this film. If you choose to sync up, I will do a countdown, and we will both hit play, this way you can watch along with me.

*This is a full video of ME, this does NOT contain the actual movie. The blurred out version will be shown to help sync*


Silent Hill - Full-Length Reaction


River Crestfallen

I watched this in theaters so when Christabella died it was horrific times 100. She deserved don't get me wrong, but did it have to be all in my face like that?


i saw this in theaters too and i still remember being so uneasy during our dinner date after the movie

Michael Orzechowski

Here's the scoop: I've seen this movie at least half a dozen times and can fill you in on the missing pieces. Unfortunately, a lot of the backstory to this movie is based in the video game as about 90% of the movie's story/plot is a direct live-action adaptation from the video game. So it requires you to know the video game in order to really understand what was going on in the movie. The main differences between the movie and the video game are; the main protagonist that chases after Sharon in the video game is her father not her mother, and her name in the game is Cheryl, not Sharon. Apart from that every other name and event that was used in the film was word for word the names and events used in the video game, including Dahlia, and Cybil Bennett. Obviously there were a ton of other monsters and puzzles in the game that the movie didn't show. The plot was this: Alessa was born in an unsanctioned way or in a way deemed sinful by the cult. Therefore the cult were convinced she was a witch. Alessa's mother, Dahlia, completed a ritual that forced Alessa to birth the cult's deity, after being raped by the school's janitor, Colin. Alessa didn't die from her burns because the deity resided within her still and made her immortal. Over time she became filled with so much pain and wrath over what the cult had done to her, the deity felt her need for revenge and gave her the power to exact that revenge. That scene when their pyre snaps and catches the entire chamber on fire was Alessa burning everyone in the building with her. In the movie they portrayed this by making Alessa seem more like a demonic presence. The deity gave Alessa the supernatural powers of a god to trap everyone within her living nightmare, forever damning their souls to her wrath. Sharon's role is explained better in the video game. Apparently when the cult attempted to cleanse Alessa of her "demon" they prevented the birth of their deity, splitting Alessa's soul between herself and the infant Cheryl/Sharon. Her wrathful side Alessa and her "good" side Cheryl/Sharon. It's why Sharon has nightmares and visions about Silent Hill but has no memory of being there. She's both never actually lived in Silent Hill and is one-half the soul of Alessa. Therefore Alessa was able to help lure Sharon back to Silent Hill. EDIT: Alessa prevented the deity's birth by splitting her soul into two parts. The deity wants to reunite with her other half "Sharon" so she can be officially "born". It is also implied by the film that all the people trapped in Alessa's Nightmare version of Silent Hill are already dead. Their souls are just trapped forever within her wrath. Why the movie paid so much attention to that scene in the school bathroom and Colin is because Colin is implied to be Sharon/Cheryl's biological father. It is implied that Sharon, Cybil, and Rose all died when they crashed. Because they died inside the town of Silent Hill, their souls/spirits were trapped within Alessa's Nightmare as well. This is why when they return home they are still stuck in the "gray fog". It's implied that they are stuck in Limbo. But, it's actually more than that. I won't go further in case you wanted to see the other movies in this series. Other Notes - The Monsters: Greychild: The creatures she saw at the beginning of the movie are called Greychildren they are the melted/charred souls of the school children that tormented Alessa. Colin: Is a monster unique to the movie. He was strung up with barbed wire to represent Alessa's hatred for what he did to her. He is positioned specifically so that he's forced to drag himself along the ground by his genitals. Everything he touches becomes diseased, as if to represent an STD, and his infectious touch summons Creepers. Creeper: The scarab-like bugs that were used throughout the film. Alessa apparently dislikes bugs so much that she found it fitting to make them part of her nightmare and have a taste for human flesh. Armless Man: That odd creature that walked toward Cybil and Rose that spewed corrosive liquid at them from its chest. It's supposed to represent Alessa's hospitalization and feeling confined and bound for the rest of her life. Pyramid Head: In the movie it's implied that they represent Alessa's bodyguards/bouncers/executioners. Their symbolism in the video games has nothing to do with the movie's plot as they aren't even introduced until Silent Hill 2. Pyramid heads are scary but only to those that are targets of Alessa's rage. Dark Nurses: They are thought to represent Alessa's envy for the women that treated her during her hospitalization. She remained behind a curtain and didn't see their faces ever which is a vague reason they have wrapped faces. They are sexualized for the film to perhaps represent Alessa's wish to look like them knowing she would never have such a beautiful body herself. In the video games however, they are a symbol of another mentally ill patient named Alex. He has no relation to Alessa or who she's supposed to represent in the games. He has dangerously oversexualized thoughts and assumptions of women that led to him becoming institutionalized in the first place and its why they look like that. Their appearance in the game has absolutely no correlation to the film in anyway. In fact, they aren't even the correct nurses that would've been in Brookhaven with Alessa if this film followed the original Silent Hill video game lore correctly. The reason why many of these monsters don't feel like they fit the lore of the film is because they don't. Colin was never in any of the games, Pyramid Head, and armless man are in Silent Hill 2, and the type of nurses that are used in the film (although are in every game) aren't even in the main Silent Hill story, but in Silent Hill Revelations which is kinda like a spin-off of the game. What I will credit the movie for doing well are the costumes. They were 100% spot on with the video game monsters. Also the music and atmosphere was phenomenal. Sorry for the book report.


Thank you for providing all of this information! I love when yall go all out about stuff! Even though everyone says the second one is bad, this makes me really want to watch it. 😂