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"Abernathy increases the pressure, Bradley and Dylan connect, Miss Watson encourages Norman's active imagination, and Emma takes a trip."

I really feel like 90% of their issues would be resolved if Norma just installed security cameras.


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Susan AKA Maisy13(YT) AKA Susan_is_still_in_progress (threads,IG)

Okay, so I guess Mister NOT Abernathy is looking for money and not the book, which I wonder where that is. I know Norma doesn't have it, because if she did, she wouldn't be worried about trying to sell the motel. I understand the smell of pot can be annoying, having lived in Vegas my next door neighbors doorway always reeked, but funnily enough I smell it random places here in Virginia more than I ever did in Vegas. Weird. Anyway, I guess with having no control over anything, it's understandable for Norma to pick pot smoking to be some hard limit, but then she doesn't keep the same energy when the workers were hanging outside smoking when the sheriff showed up. I expected her to try to get him involved. Anyway, I'm sure she agreed to meet Not Abernathy with the money to buy time, but I wonder what her plan is. I wouldn't be surprised if she just killed him, but she might also try to set him up and get the sheriff involved. Whatever the case, she's right. If half of what has happened to her happened to me when I moved here, I'm be gone in a heartbeat, no second thoughts. I feel like, just as with Norman, there are two different Norma's. The good mother who works hard and is trying to make life make sense, and the needy overly involved mother who sees Norman as hers and is territorial over him. Maybe that's why I will forget the creepiness for a while, then be surprised when she does something that feels weird with Norman. I really wanted to watch ahead, but I'm being good and waiting for you. My predictions. Not Abernathy will end up dead, by who's hand I'm not sure... maybe Norman, though he seems removed from that storyline now, but it wouldn't be the first time a show suddenly pivots a plot point. Argh, there are too many possible storylines. The drug angle, though that may continue into season 2, if it was known at this point in filming that their would be a S2. Dylan's storyline might carryover, and what does Bradley really want. Emma also is up in the air. Okay, Abernathy dead/ Dylan/Bradly filler or next season prep/ Norman turns to Emma when Bradley continues to friend zone him/teacher and Norman filler/possibly next season fodder. Oh, and Riley will continue to not exist. lol. Final!
