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"A salvage crew discovers a long-lost 1962 passenger ship floating lifeless in a remote region of the Bering Sea, and soon notices that its long-dead inhabitants may still be on board."

The opening scene will forever live rent free in my head.


You will have your own copy, or access to, this film. If you choose to sync up, I will do a countdown, and we will both hit play, this way you can watch along with me.

*This is a full video of ME, this does NOT contain the actual movie.*




River Crestfallen

Fun fact tug boats like theirs can supposedly pull up to two cruise ships. Epps is so pretty! 💙 Gabriel Byrn's (The Captain) British and Karl Urbans's (Munder) New Zealand accents are both coming out when they talk I thought. With my Hyperion requests I need to request some Karl Urban and Gabriel Byrne movies I think you would enjoy. If I'm understanding from Googling the Ghost Ship wiki plot Jack Freeman is a a demonic spirit of a deceased sinner tasked with provoking people to sin. He is told to get so many souls once collected he takes them to Hell. I believe The Captain ghost and Katie never got marked cause they aren't sinners and that is why they are still on board. Everyone else seems to be a hallucination Ferriman creates. I also think that's why he was so annoyed by Epps cause she wasn't during what others were doing she was with in the past or currently which is sin. Which is also why she survived. And he was using the Graza cruise ship as a trap but he was the soul survivor from the Lorelei before that and at the end those guys were carrying the gold. So my theory is Ferriman is connected to the gold maybe stole it even when he was alive cause he probably really was a scavenger or pirate of some sort when he was alive. He follows wherever the gold goes because it makes people greedy and do awful things. And not the boats. Question I have is. If he is a demonic spirit luring people out to the boat to see the cursed gold how did he go to the main land to tall them about it to begin with? I really enjoyed the film. And I should request a water horror sometime for your "Week discomfort" thing. 😆