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"Norman is upset after Emma tells some of the other girls that he and Bradley slept together. He leaves school without permission and in a meeting with the principal and his teacher it is suggested to Norma that Norman should seek professional help."

I knew that new hotel guest was up to no good. The writing was on the wall, but now it's confirmed!


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*This is a full video of ME, this does NOT contain the actual episode.*





agreed he gave me the ick the moment he arrived only 2 more episodes this season ahhh

Susan AKA Maisy13(YT) AKA Susan_is_still_in_progress (threads,IG)

Okay so, hot take I know, but if putting a dead body in my bed is the worst Abernathy does, then he don't scare me. But also, is the Sheriff in on it. Yes, we may have an explanation for his change of attitude now, but it seems kinds afterthought-ish... or a misdirect. And how many outfit changes did Norma have this ep.? I swear it was all one day, but she was wearing something new for practically every scene. She should have just told Abernathy that, yes, she and the deputy had started dating and it was a shock to find out that he was a sex trafficker and tried to kill her kid. Also, I think he is looking for the book that Norman found, and he thinks Norma has it. At this point, Noman seems separated from that story line, and more doing his own thing. Norma is NOT good at tailing someone. I'm sure he clocked her as soon as she started following him, but certainly from when she followed him onto the docks in the marina, I was starting to think the whole pot growing venture was not connected to the sex trafficking, however if Abernathy is the BIG BOSS, maybe not. My guess is one storyline will tie up this season, and one will carry over to the next. Oh, yes, and Bradley is the girl and I found it amusing that you kept calling her Riley, which by the by is not a name of anyone in the show, well season 1 at least, but when I google Bates Motes Riley, the first result was for Bradley. lol. I want to believe Emma is a good person, but there's always that niggle of too good to be true. At the very least I think she's going to be very hurt. Can't wait to see what shenanigans we get up to next time.