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"Alex Claremont-Diaz, the first son of the United States, and young Prince Henry fall in love. However, considering their high-profile public lives, they must keep their relationship a secret at all costs."

Uma Thurman for President, y'all!


You will have your own copy, or access to, this film. If you choose to sync up, I will do a countdown, and we will both hit play, this way you can watch along with me.

*This is a full video of ME, this does NOT contain the actual movie.*




Susan AKA Maisy13(YT) AKA Susan_is_still_in_progress (threads,IG)

I was waiting to see if someone I watched would react to this. I'm glad you did so I could watch the full length. I'll preface this by saying I read mostly M/M fiction (though I have not read this book) so my expectation were pretty low as in general I'm let down my movies that are book adaptations, especially if it's a book I have read and love. This movie gives me hope. There are several books and series that I've read that I'd love to see in movie form, but never felt it would be done justice due to the relationships being between two men, even if the murder mystery parts were top notch. btw I HIGHLY recommend the Adrien English series by Josh Lanyon, (one I'd dearly love to see in movie form, if done right). Anyhoo, about this movie. it was a light hearted romance, and like any (heterosexual) romance you have to be willing to overlook certain things and not focus too much on realistic scenarios. Sex scenes are rarely reality based, so I've learned to take gay sex scenes (in books) with a grain of salt because, and this is coming from an asexual woman, I'm not sure how realistic the scenes are, I'll take what this movie gave us. I'm sure there was more prep than shown and leave it at that, being happy that they did a full ass sex scene between two men. Otherwise, I really loved the two characters, and the supporting cast was great as well. As to your stipulation, I didn't think they came off as obviously gay, or suspicious, (before they actually starting dating and hanging all over each other) and I'm pretty certain the Secret Service and guards know all the secrets and so it's a given that they were aware of the situation.. I think they both were shown to date women and most people just take that as the truth, either not wanting or willing to look further into it. What I really liked (and I'm not sure I can explain well) but this did not seem just like a 'gay' movie, but like a Romantic Dramady that happened to be about two gay men. If you get that. It seemed normal and not sub-genre. At least it had a happy ending, (though Texas turning blue in a national election is the most unbelievable thing about it) and that is my one requirement in the books I read. You can make me cry as much as you want during the book, but there better be a happy ending a the end of the book, or series. It's funny, both actors reminded me of other people, Alex looked like some actor but I can't remember their name and Henry had a John Barrowman smile. Overall, I really liked it!


I thought this was a fun Rom-Com...I may have related a little bit ;).


Texas turning Democrat was truly the biggest leap in this movie 😂 Sex scenes in movies always bug me tho. Straight and gay, it just becomes so "polished" that it temporarily removes me from the moment.