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"Having spent the night with Bradley, a contented Norman returns home to find that his mother is in jail, arrested for the murder of Keith Summers. Her bail is set at $100,000 but she refuses her sons' offer to help her."

This episode had my jaw on the FLOOR with that truck scene!


You will have your own copy, or access to, this series. If you choose to sync up, I will do a countdown, and we will both hit play, this way you can watch along with me.

*This is a full video of ME, this does NOT contain the actual episode.*




Susan AKA Maisy13(YT) AKA Susan_is_still_in_progress (threads,IG)

So, I finally caught up to you and here are my thoughts. I have not seen this show, so I have no preconceived knowledge about it, these are just my thoughts after the first 5 eps. These are just my theories and not based on anything but what I just watched. 1. I think Norman killed his father and then 'forgot'. Norma is trying to protect him, but it would explain why she feels so betrayed with him telling Dillion about things. Here she is keeping all these secrets and he's just out there doing things, but it makes sense since he does not remember the bad stuff. 2. As for the Deputy, I was totally on board with him being the big bad guy... until they pretty much confirmed he had this woman in his basement, and now I'm not so sure there might not be some kind of trickery about. 3. Also, the one girl (I don't remember her name, but the one with the beetle that's helping Norman,) I was thinking was the least likely to be bad, but might turn out to be not so good. I did NOT expect Dillon to run that dude down, and I don't know how that guy made it to the hospital not dead after being shot point blank in the throat. Whether the Tweeker dude is good or bad, I don't know. I actually went ahead and bought this season, so I hope it stays good. As for me out here in Virginia, I walked out to go to work tonight and the first taste of fall hit me in the face. The temps are supposed to go back up in a couple of days, but that first whiff of autumn is the best! I'm decorating early this year as I've been feeling not the best lately and I need the pumpkin spice endorphins. Hope your day and week are going well.