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"A deadly entity from space crash-lands near a small town and begins consuming everyone in its path. Panic ensues as shady government scientists try to contain the horrific creature."

Finally got around to watching one of the classics that I have never seen...and holy mother of GORE. That's all I am gonna say.


You will have your own copy, or access to, this film. If you choose to sync up, I will do a countdown, and we will both hit play, this way you can watch along with me.

*This is a full video of ME, this does NOT contain the actual movie.*





I may post too much on youtube's video comments, so I figure I can paste them here. Damn they went all out on the gorey effects. 46:10 Invoke the 5th and say I want a lawyer. 32:49 - Fake rings he gives to "his girls" as part of his con to try and get laid. 32:00 - File this under where the abuser gets what they deserve. 29:30 - That twitching hand was a beautiful touch. 27:13 Why the hell are all these doors open in this hospital? Was privacy not taken seriously? Kevin Dillon is Cliche 80s almost to a fault. 6:06 - It wouldn't be an 80s movie without a football team or football game for the small town.


OMG thank you for clarifying the ring thing. I was SO confused as to what that was all about!

Susan AKA Maisy13(YT) AKA Susan_is_still_in_progress (threads,IG)

I have to say we were on the same wavelength this whole movie, well, until the end. At the beginning when you wanted the sheriff and the waitress to live I turned to my monitor and said, 'Don't get your hopes up', and I think I was right. lol. Most of the rest we agreed on. They mentioned that it was about to be ski season, as I believe this was a ski town, and sometimes ski resorts will, shall we say, pre-snow the mountain with fake snow, or augment what natural snow they have with fake snow to keep the tourists happy and keep the money rolling in, and I'm pretty sure that's why they had the snow machine at the garage. I had vague memories of this from when I was a kid, but like you, didn't remember it much, though there were a couple of key scenes that were familiar, and I was so glad when the Danny Zuko wannabe got got trying to take advantage of a unconscious girl. All in all I found it pretty entertaining, and recognized quite a few actors. Art LaFleur being someone I've seen in many things. Hope you're feeling better and can't wait for the next upload, here or on the YouTubes.


I am all better now, thanks! And there is a new movie coming today for Patreon and Sunday for YouTube (Winnie the Pooh).