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Apologies in advance, I got angry.

This one really got to me.


The show is on Netflix. If you choose to sync up, I will do a countdown, and we will both hit play, this way you can watch along with me.

This is a full video of ME, this does NOT contain the actual episode. I'm not trying to go to jail. :D




River Crestfallen

I looked up Ronald Flowers and he lived to the ripe old age of 87. His brother cut all ties with Jeff at his 1991 arrest, changed his last name and is married with children. His mother worked as a case manager for the central valley aids center until her death in 2000 from breast cancer. His grandmother passed away at Christmas 1992. I honestly believe since it was so close to the time of his arrest that the stress probably killed her. I do not feel sympathy for Jeff but I do think that his family turning a blind eye and not trying to help him more in his life was a big part of him becoming a serial killer. After Jeff's arrest he was diagnosed with Autism, a spectral disorder, borderline personality disorder (BPD), schizotypal disorder (StPD) and a psychotic disorder. I think people should watch this show for multiple reasons. It shows what homophobes, racism, being a sexuality other than straight, mental illness, divorce, neglect can do to a person that isn't white and straight. And what can happen if you aren't a good guardian and parent. If he had been helped instead of ignored Jeff might not have become a serial killer. And if the justice system treated everyone equally and didn't always try to give young white men a blind eye Jeff would have been caught after the hitchhiker and so many people would have lived. Even after the bathhouses I don't understand why Jeff wasn't arrested for that.

Tatum Marie Johnson

The scene with grandma ddid happen. Ronald Flowers testified that if it wasn't for the grandmother he would be dead. She did something.