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Chapter 3 Part 1

Crossing through the Ryobeser Forest, we arrived a day earlier than planned in the neutral city of Shifrea.

"Thanks to Kurt, we have some time to spare."

Arriving at the prepared inn, Diana sat on the bed and said so.

"The negotiation with the Empire's Disaria Magic Academy is in three days, right?"

"That's right."

"Can I wander around the city for a bit?"

"Of course."

After all, it would be boring to just sleep at the inn for three days.

"If Kurt is going, I'm going, too!"

"I-I'll go, too. Lara, you can't sneak away with Kurt!"

"Mmm, I was looking forward to going on a date with Kurt..."

Lara and Marise clung tightly to my sides.

"Do whatever you want."

Either way, the plan wouldn't change.

We left the inn and headed to the Adventurer's Guild in Shifrea. Our goal was to find something interesting to do and exchange the materials from the Hydra we defeated along the way. Fortunately, the guild was located in the center of the city, and we arrived without getting lost.

As we approached the reception table,

"Nice to meet you. What can I help you with today?"

said the beautiful receptionist with a smile.

"We came from the royal capital and wanted to exchange the materials from the monster we defeated on the way. Do we need to start by creating an adventurer’s license?"

I asked, feeling that it would be a bit of a hassle if we had to.

"I’m sorry, but have you registered as an adventurer in the royal capital?"


I remembered that in the royal capital, the student card from the magic academy could serve as a license. That should do it.

"In that case, we have a treaty with the guild in the royal capital, so you don't need to start from scratch. Your license from there is sufficient."

That's a relief. We didn't want to waste any unnecessary time.

"You said you came from the royal capital. Is everything okay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"There's a <<Disaster-Class>> ferocious monster that has appeared near this city. We've sent many adventurers to deal with it, but it's still alive."

"I see."

I'd love to fight it once.

"Then, can you show us the monster? Has it been dismantled? It doesn’t look like you're carrying it, though..."

"Yes, it's been dismantled. Although we only cut it into appropriate sizes."

"Hmm? Please show it to me."

I placed the Hydra's head that I had stored with storage magic on the reception table.

Since it was too much trouble, I hadn't properly drained the blood, and as a result, the head was covered with blood.


"Excuse me, receptionist-san?"

"Kurt. It seems like the receptionist is standing and fainted."

Marise poked the receptionist. However, there was no response.

As the receptionist turned pale and seemed to collapse backward, I quickly reached out to catch her. At that moment, we made a noise, and the people around us started to stare at us.

"Whoa! What's this blood-covered thing?"

"Adventurers might be used to it, but of course, the receptionist would be surprised to see something like this! Bring it after you have properly drained the blood!"

The adventurers were making a fuss, and the staff scolded us.

"Hm...? I couldn't see it well because of the blood, but this head... I feel like I've seen it somewhere before…?"

"Whoa! Is this by any chance the head of the Hydra!?"

However, everyone realized that it was the head of the Hydra, and the tide turned gradually.

"W-Where did you get this?"

"We came from the royal capital and defeated it on our way here."


The guild staff who replaced the receptionist was dumbfounded.

"This isn't all of it, shall we bring out the others? But they're not properly drained of blood, so the table might get dirty..."

"Whether it's dirty or not doesn't matter at this point! You did a good job!"

"Excuse me?"

The guild staff grabbed my shoulders.

What's that all about?

His eyes sparkle, and he looks excited.

"This Hydra is a vicious monster that has recently been appearing near the city! Everyone was just sitting on their hands... I can't believe the adventurers from the royal capital took care of it!"

"Huh...? Is that so?"

"We even heard rumors that the Hydra might invade the city. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. Thank you so much...!"

It seemed that I had unknowingly saved the city.

"I had a feeling it was something like that."

"It's not like multiple <<Disaster-Class>> monsters appear every day."

Lara and Marise seemed to be used to it by now.

I submitted the Hydra's head and body in turn. They were surprised by the storage magic, but it was almost the same as the last time we were in the royal capital.

"Um, how much do you think it'll be?"

"There was a prize of 800 gold coins on Hydra! We were supposed to defeat it with a party of 50 people, so that was the amount, but... I never thought you could defeat it with just the three of you!"

That's quite a price.

I learned from the previous Behemoth incident that money won’t be a problem in this world.

"Good for you, Lara, Marise. Should we split the money?"

"W-We can't accept that!"

"Yeah! And it wasn't the three of us, Kurt alone defeated it!"

My offer was turned down by two of them.

I don't need this much money anyway.

Well, it's okay. In the future, I'll use this money to fund the creation of even stronger weapons.

Amidst the noisy guild, we waited for them to finish the assessment...

"S-Something terrible has happened!"

Suddenly, a man rushed into the guild, gasping for breath, and shouted.

"What's the matter?"

The staff asked the man who appeared.

"The 'Immortal King' of monsters has appeared in the Payago Cave near the city!"

"W-What did you just say?"

"Adventurers who were diving there are dealing with it somehow, but... they can't handle it! Can someone help us!?"

It seems like an emergency.

"Um... is that Immortal King monster strong?"

"It's a monster that appears periodically in the Payago Cave. When it appeared twenty years ago, there were records of sixteen adventurers sacrificed during the subjugation."

I see. According to the man and the guild staff, the Immortal King seems to be a pretty strong monster.

"Oh right... you guys! This is perfect! Can you help us?"

The man suddenly turned to us.

──Ahh, I see. This man is...

"Hey, Kurt."

As I was thinking, Lara tugged at my shirt hem.

"What's the matter?"

"Let's go and help them."

"Of course."

Either way, I'm interested in this Immortal King monster.

When I looked at Marise, she had a serious expression and nodded.

"Alright... understood. Please guide us there."

"T-Thank you...!"

We quickly left the guild and headed towards the Payago Cave.



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