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Chapter 3 Part 1

Chapter 3 - The Former Demon King, Races through the Night of the Royal Capital

That night, I was gazing at the royal palace from the sky.

"It seems that Neil has safely entered the detached palace on the west side."

After confirming, I slowly descended and landed on the roof of a building.

This is a residential area a short distance from the royal palace. Having slipped out of my dormitory, I was taking a stroll through the night of the royal capital.

As expected of the royal capital, there are many people, even at night. The town's lights did not fade even at this hour. Exceptionally bright is the royal palace. The surroundings are illuminated by magic lights, and both inside and outside are patrolled by security guards.

"Moreover, the central and eastern palaces seem to have magic alarm systems. It’s amazing."

I could see magic lines above the royal palace when I strained my eyes. They were combined to form a network surrounding the palace. Presumably, if someone were to touch them, the security mages on duty would be alerted.

There are many mages in the royal capital, so I understand that it was natural to be cautious of familiars or mages infiltrating the royal palace. However, the detached palace on the west side where Iris resides hardly has any alarms in place.

I have heard that the western detached palace is where the children of the concubines live... Can they really rely on such minimal security?

"Is there a reason why the security is lax only in the west? If that's the case, perhaps I should prepare another familiar for Iris. And also, plan an escape route just in case──"

‘Are you planning to escape, Master?’

The bat, Dick, appeared by my side.

‘If you were to escape from the royal capital, I will accompany you.’

"I said that would be the last resort, Dick."

‘Then should we gather more 'Ancient Artifacts'?’

"Two will suffice. I intend to elevate the peerage of the Grossalia family to the rank of a marquis."

That would be the fastest way.

If the Grossalia family’s peerage becomes that of a marquis, I can marry Iris. After that, it would be ideal if the two of us went missing for some reason.

Neither I nor Iris would age anymore. Moreover, we both have complicated pasts. So I have a feeling that it would be dangerous for both of us to stay in the human world for too long.

"Odette would be mad at me, though."

‘Is Odette-sama a good person?’

"Yeah. I wish she could become immortal with Iris."

‘Immortality, you say?’

"Do you want to become immortal, Dick?"

‘I'm not sure.’

"If there were 'Ancient Magic' or 'Ancient Artifacts' that could make people immortal, that would be great."

I believe they exist. Considering that the 'Holy Sword' that reincarnated both me and Alice exists, it is undoubtedly possible for 'Ancient Artifacts' to manipulate life. In that case, it would not be strange for there to be 'Ancient Magic' or 'Ancient Artifacts' that can make someone immortal.

"Back in the day, I was also researching that kind of magic. But the best I could achieve was a magic that improves people's health. You see, if there were others besides me who were immortal, I wouldn't stand out as much, and I wouldn't have to witness my family dying before me."

‘You think about amazing things, Master.’

"It's more like a delusion, though."

With my ‘Body Strengthening, Boosted’ state, I took a run-up and jumped. Using the 'Flight' skill, I moved from roof to roof.

Dick was flying beside me. Several other bats followed along. They were bat comrades that Dick and the others had found in the royal capital. Flying in a group, they concealed my presence quite nicely. They also took care of reconnaissance, so the guards of the royal capital would not spot me.

"That's enough reconnaissance for today. You all did a good job."

‘‘‘Yes, Master!’’’

After the bat corps dispersed, I headed straight to my dormitory.


I descended to the ground from the roof of a building near my dormitory.

There are still lights on in the room. I told Martha and Remy they could go to sleep first, but it seems that they are still awake. The front door should be locked, so maybe I should use ‘Flight’ again and enter from the second floor.

Just as I was thinking that, the door of the neighboring dormitory opened. Reflexively, I hid behind a building's shadow.

The person who came out of the neighboring dormitory was Odette. Her blond hair reflected the moonlight, making it easy to recognize. She was wearing her usual mage robe, with her face hidden by the hood. But she could not hide her hair completely.

She waved off the butler, who seemed to be following her, and started walking. Her destination was the neighboring dormitory──my place, I mean.

"What's the matter, Odette?"


Odette jumped in surprise. She looked at me with teary eyes──

"...Yuuki. That's not how you startle someone, you know."

"Sorry. I guess I was walking silently."

"What kind of walking is that? Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Just taking a stroll at night."

"The streets at night are dangerous, you know?"

"I'll be fine. I'm not walking the streets at night."

"I see. Well, that's a relief then."


"...Huh? Something seems strange about our conversation...?"

"Anyway, what about you, Odette? What are you doing out at this hour?"

"R-Right. I received two letters from the 'Magic Guild'."

"Two letters?"

"I believe Yuuki also received one. One is from Demeter-sama, regarding the attack by the 'Dead Priest' in the 'Cave of the Holy Sword' and the 'Ancient Magic' used by Guiel Wolfgang."

"...Ah, I see."

During the 'Knight Escort Selection Examination', Odette and I were attacked by the ‘Dead Priest’. He identified himself as Roglelle, the Seventh Priest of the 'Sanctuary Church, Elysium Temple', and tried to steal the Holy Sword. I managed to banish the ‘Dead Priest’ with the Holy Sword, but I did not understand why Guiel Wolfgang summoned him.

Demeter and Barnes-san mentioned something about followers of the 'Sanctuary Church, Elysium Temple'. So, I guess the investigation results have come in.

"The other letter is about the appointment ceremony for the Knight Escort."

Odette held a rolled parchment in her hand and looked at me. Even in the dim light, I could see that she looked a bit pale.

"There’s another member of the royal family who will appoint a knight escort along with Princess Iris. She's a princess of the same age."

"What impeccable timing?"

As if fearing that someone might overhear, Odette leaned closer to me and said,

"The person in question is the fourth princess, Salvia-sama. She is fourth in line to the throne and a legitimate child. She has the right to appoint a knight escort just like Princess Iris."

As the Duke's daughter, Odette cannot speak that name aloud.

"I see. But it doesn't concern me or Princess Iris, right?"

"After hearing that Princess Iris would be appointing a knight escort, Princess Salvia said she would also do the same... or so the rumors say."

...What was going on?

"Come to think of it, you told me before. Princess Iris has been looked down upon by her half-siblings due to her constitution. Could it be related to Princess Salvia...?"

"You catch on fast. That's exactly it."

"I see."

"On top of that, it seems Princess Salvia intends to have their respective knight escorts compete against each other using magic."

"...It's getting complicated."

"I agree."

"I want to discuss this a little. Is that okay?"

"Of course. I came here with that intention as well."

"I appreciate it. I want to let Martha rest, so I can't offer you tea."

"That's alright."


In the darkness of the night, a small cry could be heard. Next to the door of the dormitory, there was a silver fox. It was Remy.

I did not hear the sound of the door opening... Ah, the window on the second floor was left open. It seems that Remy came out from there. She must have heard our voices.

"Remy, is Martha still awake?"

‘She's preparing tea.’

"I told her she could go to sleep first, though?"

‘We prefer to sleep together with you, Master.’

"I'm sorry."

‘It's not a problem at all.’

"...I can only hear 'Kyu-Kyu', but I somehow understand what she was saying."

"You're amazing, Odette."

"Her name is Remy-chan, right?"


When Odette called, Remy approached her feet and bowed.

‘Are you a friend of Master?’

"I apologize for intruding so late at night."

Their conversation did not quite sync up.

So, with Remy accompanying us, Odette and I entered the dormitory to discuss the information regarding the 'Dead Priest' and Princess Salvia.



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