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Chapter 2 Part 4

"Wow... there's a lake here."

Lara exclaimed.

After further progressing through the forest, we arrived at an open area adorned with a stunning, crystal-clear lake.

"Right... let's take a break here. Lara and Marise must be tired from the battle. Is it okay with you, Headmaster Diana?"


When I looked at her, Diana nodded immediately.

"Kurt. It's nice to take a break, but this is a forest known for the presence of many monsters. Isn't it dangerous?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll put up a barrier."

With the Holy Circle, a barrier magic that wards off the monsters, there shouldn't be any problems. Even if they ask me to put up a barrier throughout the forest, I can easily do that.

"Thank you, Kurt! I'm going to take a bath in the lake here. I sweated a lot in the previous battle."

"I'll do that, too."

"Marise-chan, let's splash water on each other!"

"W-Why would we do that!?"

Lara and Marise looked like they were having fun.

"What about you, Headmaster Diana?"

When I asked her, Diana thought for a moment before answering.

"Hm, but… what about you? Wouldn't you want to freshen up?"

"I'll do it after everyone else is done."

When it comes to taking a bath, they will take off their clothes, so there's no way I can be there.

"I-If you peek, even I will get angry! No ecchi allowed. We'll be taking a bath over there, so please don't come!"

"Of course."

I wonder what Marise is imagining, as she points at me with a red face.

After watching them disappear into the bushes, I decided to take a rest inside the carriage.

About thirty minutes later.

"I'm bored."

I muttered to myself.

I thought their bath would be over in about ten minutes, but it appeared they were enjoying themselves and taking longer.

"Perhaps I should take a short walk."

I stood up and got out of the carriage.

I was aware of their bathing spot, and as long as I maintained a reasonable distance, I thought there wouldn't be any issue. However, I ended up letting my guard down.

Walking through the bushes ──

"That’s ──"

The lake came into view, and a woman stood in the shallow part of the lake with her feet in the water. Her beautiful hair shone even more in the water. Her white, slender body was so artistic that it reminded me of the sculptures made by the gods. I was mesmerized by her naked figure. However, that was a mistake.

"── !?"

She noticed me and hurriedly covered herself with both hands. And…

"Y-You! What are you doing here!?"

She ── Headmaster Diana, shouted at me in a loud voice.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't expect anyone to be taking a bath here. I'll leave right away..."

I was flustered and spoke in my usual tone.

I turned my back and hurriedly tried to leave. But…

"Wait a minute! You saw me naked! Do you think you can just walk away like this!?"

Diana stopped me.

"I-It's okay to look back now...! You wanted to take a bath too, didn't you? I'll be fine, so let's take a bath together."


"What? I'm older than you guys. I won't panic just because a boy saw me naked. S-So, don't worry about it."

She seemed to have been quite upset just a moment ago, though.

When I looked back, Diana was hiding her body underwater. She seemed embarrassed. However, she has a point. While I feel uncomfortable getting naked, I will at least soak my feet in the water.

"Pardon me."

I said as I took off my shoes and sat with only my feet in the water.

"By the way... why wasn't Headmaster Diana with Lara and Marise?"

I asked Diana, who only showed her face above the water.

"Well... I'm different from you guys. There is a position of headmaster and students."

"What about it?"

"...I-I can't blend in! Lara and Marise are overflowing with youthful energy, so if someone like me joins them... it just feels kind of awkward and out of place."

Diana spoke quickly.

I cannot ascertain her exact age, but she's certainly older than us. From my standpoint, I find it intriguing why she's so concerned about these things, but... perhaps she has her own thoughts on the matter.

"It's okay, Headmaster Diana."

I looked at Diana's face and continued,

"Although there is a position of headmaster and students, we are partners heading to the neutral city."

In fact, there's no point in being so concerned about such trivial positions if we can't be flexible when it counts. And besides…

"I don't mean to say this in a strange way, but... Headmaster Diana, you're just as beautiful as Lara and Marise. You don't need to feel inferior."

"Partners, you say...? It feels strange to be praised by my students. But... I don't feel bad about it."

Diana spoke in a gentle tone.

"Well then, let me apologize as a partner. I lied to you earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"I said something like I don't care about being seen naked by a boy, but... that was a lie. Pathetic as it may be, I've spent my entire life studying magic. I've never developed anything like... a relationship with a guy or... love."

That's surprising. A beautiful woman like Diana could have any man she wanted.

...Mm? Wait a minute.

"So, that means..."

"That's why, Kurt!"

As if making up her mind, Diana stood up and exclaimed ──

"You're my partner! So I won't keep any secrets from you. Go ahead and feast your eyes on my naked body!"

With that, she exposed her naked figure once again.

"Why would you do something like that!?"

Trying to escape, I was intimidated by Diana, who approached me forcefully, causing my body to freeze like a rock.

Although I had never been in such a situation, even if I were under some restraint magic, I still wasn't accustomed to seeing a naked woman.

"I thought it would be okay for you to see me naked! Besides... as the headmaster of the academy, I can't be saying nonsense about not being used to boys, can I? So... I thought I could change by being seen by Kurt!"

With both hands spread out, Diana looked far from her usual dignified figure. However... no matter how many times I saw it, it was still beautiful.

Her white skin was like water droplets; at least, it gave the impression of young and fresh skin that was not inferior to Lara and Marise. Her body drew feminine curves, and her waist was tightly defined. Her breasts were modest but soft-looking, and their shape was also well-defined.

As my thoughts came to a halt at the sight of Diana's naked figure ──

"Hey, headmaster! What are you doing!?"

"I wondered where you went! And why are you with Kurt!?"

Two voices could be heard.

"Lara, Marise..."

I also looked towards them.

They were hiding their naked figures with towels. However, the towels were not that big, and they couldn't completely cover their naked bodies.

I couldn't believe that even though they had come so close to me, I had not noticed. A woman's naked figure really takes away my sanity.

"We were looking for the headmaster because she was gone, but... we never thought she would be in such a relationship with Kurt!"

"That's shameless! I misjudged you two!"

Lara and Marise looked shocked.

"W-Wait a minute. I ──"

Trying to explain myself, I stood up quickly. However, that created a small wave that threw Diana off balance.


A small scream escaped from her mouth. She fell towards me, and I reflexively caught her.

"A-A man's body is so warm. When I'm touching you, I get a strange feeling for some reason..."

Ignoring the fact that two people were watching them, Diana entrusted her weight to me. Just by touching her soft body, my heartbeat grew stronger.

Diana's eyes had a peaceful color, which was different from her usual sharp demeanor.

"G-Get away from Kurt!"

"Exactly! Even if it’s the headmaster, I won't allow that!"

Afterward, it took quite some time for Lara and Marise to forgive me, so I reflected on my actions.

"Don't be so confusing!"

"Exactly. Anyone would misunderstand after seeing such a scene!"

Lara and Marise said in a condemning tone.

Was it my fault...?

"I-I also think I was at fault. I got a little carried away..."

Saying so with a lowered head, Diana seemed to be reflecting on what had happened earlier. However, she also seemed to be smiling a little. She didn't seem to feel bad about it.

── Afterward.

Lara, Marise, and Diana wiped their bodies and changed into their clothes.

Their hair was still wet. They gave off a different atmosphere than usual, making my heart skip a beat just looking at them.

"Anyway, I'm getting hungry."

said Lara while holding her stomach.

"She’s right... It's usually time for lunch now."

replied Marise.

"Yeah. Oh, why don't we eat here? I'm so hungry that I can't stand it."

Lara suggested with a clap of her hands.

I still had enough magic power to maintain the barrier here, so having a meal wouldn't be a problem.

"All right, let's have lunch here. But what should we eat?"

"Since there's a lake here, why don't we catch some fish and eat them? I found some when I was taking a bath in the lake earlier."

said Lara while looking at the lake.

"That's a great idea. It sounds like fun."

Diana also agreed.

"But... it won't be that easy to catch fish, right? It will take time, won't it?"

"Don't worry about that."

Disregarding Marise's concern, I held out my hand toward the lake and activated my detection magic. Upon observation, it became evident that an abundance of fish inhabited the lake. It's probably because the lake water is so clear, and the environment suits them.

And so, I used magic to capture the fish. Then, I used gravity magic to lift them out of the water ──

"Wow! So many fish came out!"

Lara's eyes widened in astonishment as several fish emerged from the lake, floating up into the air. I then placed the fish at our feet.

"I can easily catch some fish."

With this much, even Lara and the others can eat their fill.

"Now, the question is how to cook them..."

We couldn't eat the fish raw, of course.

"I'll take care of it! I'll do my best!"

"I-I'll help, too! I think the utensils are in the carriage..."

Lara and Marise's eyes gleamed as they looked at the fish I had caught. It seemed like they were going to cook it.

"Having just fish might be a bit dull. While you two work on that, I'll go find something else we can eat. Don't worry, I won't be gone for long."

"Okay! Please do!"

I watched Lara and Marise bustling about and then left the area.



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