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Hi there. 

I want to apologize for the fact that I could not draw a fanart for the monthly poll in time. 

I also want to take a month or two off from character poll because I don't feel like I'm mentally ok. And I feel that now is not the best time for this...

As you know, Russia, the country where I am at the moment staying, has invaded Ukraine and Putin started a war. I'm scared about it, I feel angry and anxious as many people. If you can, please spread awareness! It's the least we can do now. 

About drawing at all and February voting poll, I'm drawing OMGkawaiiAngel right now, so please look forward to it! Don't worry, I'm still continue to draw as before, because drawing is a distraction from stress.

I'm sorry, I'm not very good at expressing my thoughts..

Anyway, I hope you are doing well despite the all. Please stay safe! No war!




It’s OK! No need to apologize! Please take as much time as you need. Please be safe out there! ❤️ I hope things get better soon!


Please take your time Omu, you don’t need to apologize. Your health comes first! I hope you can stay safe. 🥺🤍