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Hey, y'all! So, it's been interesting on social media lately, to say the least, lol.

I had a guy comment directly under my cropped Patreon preview post with the full image and say "I wouldn't pay for this." I had someone steal my Corrin artwork to put on weed packages. AI-generated junk is rampant, and I've seen people training their AI on my art in particular. People are just...shittier in general. Twitter itself is constantly on the verge of imploding. 

So, I just wanted to say I am extremely thankful to you folks who are kind enough to support me monetarily. I know how easy it is to get stuff for free -- whether that's doing it the respectful way and waiting a month for the version I post publicly on my alt Twitter, or doing it the less respectful way and getting it off kemonoparty when it gets ripped within an hour of me posting it here.

To be clear, I don't ever expect anyone to pay for my artwork -- in fact, for many years, I didn't have any kind of Patreon-exclusive content, specifically because I want to share my art with as many people as possible. Patreon always has been and always will be a place for people who genuinely enjoy what I do to be able to support me (there's a reason I call it a tip jar).

I've known since day one that people would pirate stuff, no matter how easy I make it ($5 gets you access to everything I've ever posted here) -- it happened when I started in 2015, and it still happens. But there are also always people who care about art, who wanna see it keep getting made, and know that artists do not subsist on exposure. You are the reason I can draw characters I personally love and do my own projects instead of eternally grinding commissions, and why I have the breathing room to work on my mental health these days (which is getting better!).

Long story short -- thank you! I really, truly appreciate your support.

I'll keep doing my very best to make good stuff, no matter what happens.



Sucks so much with how artists are being treated lately, but your art is awesome and a inspiration for me and im always glad to be a supporter! Keep it up Akai 🙏


Took interest in your art years ago and I'm very happy to have found your Patreon. I can't make people stop being assholes (believe me, I would) but I can reassure you that we love what you do and are so happy to be able to support you. Wish you the best, as always : )


I came across your work on Twitter and when I checked out the portfolio on the website, the elemental artworks blew me away. Big fan of the Lightning girl and the rest of the elementals. Had no issues supporting monetarily whatsoever.


I will keep supporting you. It is not even about the nswf stuff for me. I prefer your more "swf" artworks in fact. I just love your style, the way you draw all these beautiful women, your own characters and everything. So if my 5$ help you at least a little I won't stop. I am looking forward to all the awesome art from you in the future. Keep doing what you re doing in the pace that is good for you. :)


I just really enjoy your artstyle. A couple bucks a month ain't a big deal, so I'll continue supporting you.


Love you bro. Keep up the amazing work. ❤️


I've been a fan since like 2016. Upped my sub from $5 to $15. Keep doing your best, man. (this is Jason/Blaze from Twitter)


There are a lot of ill-natured people in this world especially on the internet since they have the veil of anonymity. Your works are great. We're here because we love your art and we want to support you so it would be a little bit easier for you to give form to your ideas. I really love your Patreon because it's friendly to new comers and people on a very tight budget. Piracy is really hard to avoid especially when you have a name and reached a certain level of popularity. What is important is that your true fans value your works and they're willing to give you their support.

Rice Paddie Slave

Keep up the hard work man, with all this wild AI shit going around, and people stealing artwork it can definitely get super disheartening, but always remember we'll be here to support you so that you can have a mansion one day with many cute maids you can hang out with.


Keep up the great work m'dude, always happy to support ya. You're an inspiration to me not just as an artist but I also always love your mental health posts and the positivity you bring too.


I've loved your art ever since I first saw it, and I'm just happy I'm in a place monetarily where I can support you!


A bit late as always but its really heartwarming to see you stand proud amidst all of the shitty stuff going on. You were the first artist to spark that "whoa art is really cool!" thought in my head YEARS ago. So happy to see continuing to do what you love and being able to support you now makes it all the more satisfying. Keep that up!