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I had this idea very clearly in my mind today and I had to get it down on paper --haven't drawn Samus in her power armor in a long time either, so it was a nice change of pace. 

This piece was designed from the ground up to be in black-and-white, but I did do a quick alternate gradient map version as well and I thought I might as well post that here, too.




That Game Boy to Game Boy Color upgrade goes crazy


I love Samus and this came out perfectly! Lol it was your zero suit variants that got me to follow you in the first place x)

Corey Keeling

Duuuude it looka so cool!


How can this be Manga Samus? She's not obsessing over round things. :P


There's something about Samus with her eyes visible in the visor that just hits different, she looks so cool!!