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I'm finally back to making original art! I've missed it so much. In order to get back in the swing of things, I gave myself some restrictions:

1. Square canvas.    2. Limited color palette.    3. Randomly generated prompts.

Based on those guidelines, the first four pieces are what I did this week.

1. "ivory" -- this went through so many iterations, but the core concept was that the character would have flatly-colored white hair. The original background was generic and filled with particles, but when I started messing with geometric shapes instead I realized a set of piano keys would fit nicely. Really satisfied with how this turned out.

2. "kiss" -- very fast, very sloppy, and I didn't bother to find any references. The pose is a little weird because of that, but I still like the concept. I always forget that anytime I draw a skull with blue eyes, I'm going to get dozens of "SANS???" comments...

3. "sickness" -- another one that went through several iterations. At first I wanted a catgirl zombie apocalypse, but after many attempts, I realized it was too hard to draw. Then I tried a spooky woman running her hand along a wall and leaving a trail, with little germ bubbles floating out of the trail. When I was drawing the bubbles, I thought of using an old-timey syringe as a bubble blower, and that's what I finally went with.

4. "late night supermarket" -- I thought of this immediately, lol. I had planned to make it an animation, where the lights would flicker on and off and when things went dark, the head would appear. In the end, I decided to stick with a basic illustration instead, since flashing lights can be dangerous for certain people (and also animation is a lot of work).

5. Byleth with Edelgard colors (Fire Emblem / Smash) -- this was the other commission I did last week, but I didn't have it approved in time to include it in last week's roundup.

That's it for this week! Hope you guys enjoy. I've got another vein procedure next week (starting on my other leg) so I might be a bit less productive, but I'll do my best. Thank you for your support!



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