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Only have an hour left of May, but I managed to get it done. TT _ TT

I had a lot of fun with this one!  I struggled with what to do with her hair, but ended up leaving just the very back unbraided.  The Wolf Link plushie I added because I think it makes her seem cuter...it's the sort of cutesy/immature thing she'd never let anyone catch her holding, but would secretly keep around because it reminds her of Link.  Anyway, hope you like her!

May picture packs will go out early next week, probably -- whenever all the pledges finish getting processed.  

***(unfun stuff follows, skip the rest if you're only here for the art stuff)***

I haven't been doing the best lately, mentally/emotionally...(read a little about it here).  As I've reiterated in many places already, I don't want advice or pity or to irritate or depress anyone -- I'm just trying to make my feelings known, to try to help y'all understand why I am the way I am sometimes.  And I definitely want to keep you guys in the loop, or try to, at least.  To that end, if any of you are interested in my day to day, or in checking out a ton of really sweet art that I retweet, follow me on Twitter.  

Thanks y'all, love ya~




Hey Akairiot, thanks for the pinup. I think this is one of my favorites 2nd only to the Robin pinup you had. I saw your deviantArt post of your "overwhelmed" titled art on the 20th and I grew worried about you. And now that I read your blog it affirmed my fears. I do hope that you're eating well, at times like this it is hard to do so. I'm glad you're letting us know how you feel, that is honestly the hardest thing a person can do. To show others a self reflection of themselves and the true nature of their state of mind. I definitely know how you feel, there is always that stupid nagging voice in the back of your head constantly berating you. And the things that you gain pleasure from lessens more and more as the days pass on. What usually helps me through this is that every morning, I spend at least 20 minutes making myself a small list of things to do. Like buy groceries or even something as simple as going outside to pickup the newspaper. At the end of the day, I would have all the tasks done and I put it into a chest that I have. Whenever I am done and think I am worthless of anything, I just open my box and look through it. It brings me a lot of affirmation that what I do is not pointless or useless. I have been doing this for the past 2 years and it has helped me a lot because it provides me verifiable proof that I did not pass my day doing nothing. I do wish things can be better for you and more so if your burden can be lessened if I can take a part of it also. You're definitely right about armchair psychologists, how do they know the pain and suffering of people like us if they don't experience it themselves? We're only people with flaws, and gods know that we all have flaws. Please keep yourself healthy Akairiot and please keep in mind that we all care about you deeply.


Hey Akai the Zelda pin-up is awesome I really love seeing this side of her I've had to change my phone background like 4 times this month xD So listen I just want to let you know that you're not alone in the way that you feel, For the last I'd say 5 to 6 years I have had a similar (but not the same) kind of issue. Each and every day feels like a horrible uphill battle hinging on when my mind is going to snap and that voice in the back of my mind is going to start berating me over silly shit that happens to me , it's devastating really and whats worse is during these times I feel trapped and all the wind is pretty much taken from me. It launches a depression that can last anywhere from a day to a week (maybe longer). I feel like my problems are a burden or stupid so I don't talk about them to people very often if at all. It's usually followed by rage toward others who want to test my patience and so on. It's a shitty cycle and even to this day I fight it to the best of my ability. The things you mentioned hit so close to home it's actually crazy and another reason I follow you and your art as closely as I can. Just press forward as best you can, eh? I know I'll continually support what you do any chance I can.


We support you because we appreciate you. Keep doing you, dude. Also this piece is really hot and I love it.


Hi Akairiot. First of all, it is my 21st birthday and I am very drunk, so keep that in mind also thank auto correct. You are my favorite artists hands down. I'm sorry you've been going through hard times. I wish i could give more than I do. Your art is beautiful and amazing. Your lucina pinup has been my wallpaper since I have seen it for the first time. I wish you well. I hope you feel better. Also as a side thing I kind of want you to draw kawai ritsu cause she is the cutest. I love you and your art. Love chris.


It's a work of art but in all seriousness I NEED that plushy Wolf Link... It looks so plush!


Hey kinda new and im not a pledge yet cause I dont have a job but I have followed you for a month or so just wanted to say hope you feel better I went through similar feelings (not the same not comparing) when I was in the military luckily some of my friends noticed and supported me. I cant give you much advice cause everyone finds their own way through the forest but I can say if you keep trekking I think you will find it worth it one day when you find a way to manage your inner thoughts


Thank you so much....I love the idea of having a physical list like that. I've done sort-of the same thing with a digital document before, keeping a log of tasks I want to accomplish and checking them off as I complete them, but there's something more satisfying about having something you can hold in your hands and really see. I'll do my best to keep getting stronger -- in the meantime, I can't explain how much I appreciate the support. Love ya, and thanks again.


Thanks, and glad you like it! And sorry you have to deal with similar feelings...we've just gotta keep fighting on, right? It's all we can do. Thank you so much for the support, and best wishes to you, friend.


Happy belated birthday! Hope it went well and you had fun. Thank you so much for the kind words and the support, and much love to you, man. (Mio is best girl though, lol).


I want one, too...I wish I still had any kind of sewing skills... TT _ TT Also, thank you~


Thanks so much, seriously. We've each got our own burden to bear, and I'm working on getting strong enough to start running with mine. I appreciate the support, financial or otherwise, and best wishes, friend.


Yay! my Waifu this month :3! Thanks Akai! Keep up the awesome work bud! You've got real talent man, that's why we're here and supporting you. Whatever dark cloud drops hail and rain on you just remember it always changes. I constantly have to remind myself that everyday. <3


No, thank YOU, man! I'm glad you like it. I'll do my best to keep on keepin' on, and I appreciate the support.


I'm back :D See you July forward i didn't make it in time for June, my bad :'(


It's all good, no worries, man. I appreciate anything and everything that you're able to do, and no worries about what you can't do. Hope you have a nice weekend!


Really awesome drawing!!! How much a comission costs?


Thank you very much! I'm not open for commissions, nor do I plan to be open any time soon, but I appreciate you asking.