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I had zero responses last week when I asked at the end of the post whether these are interesting, so I'll ask right away this time -- are these interesting? lol

If the commentary isn't something people find worth their time, I can just leave it out and post the roundup pics by themselves. Or if you'd all prefer I go back to the usual thing where it's just a picture pack .zip at the end of the month, I could stick with that! Please let me know!

The other thing I wanted to mention is that in February, I'll probably be cutting back on the art posts instead of the daily work I do now. My drawing hand and my elbow have been killing me, and never getting a chance to rest them is not helping. It's also been mentally draining. Overall, I think fewer posts will lead to better posts. I'll do my best to make sure I'm still worth your support.

Now for the commentary!

1. Thighs (Atelier Ryza): Ryza 2 is finally out, and I definitely wanna play it when I'm not still grinding Genshin Impact. I loved the first game.

2. Apus Temple Swordmaidens (original characters): These were part of an experiment where I wrote a short bit of "lore" and included it with the artwork when I posted to social media. Writing has been a passion of mine for just as long as art has, so if I can find more ways to bring the two together, that's pretty sweet. :)

3. Brainscape, Volume 2 (compilation image): I decided to work in my physical sketchbook for a change of pace, and I'm humbled by how terrible everything looks when I can't easily correct it digitally, haha. No transform or mirror tool, no Ctrl + Z. But it was still worth trying. Maybe with more practice, my traditional art will be more in-line with what I can do digitally.

4. Ningguang, Klee (Genshin Impact): Ever since I got to Liyue and actually encountered Ning in-game, I've been hoping I'd pull her as a character for my team -- fortunately, she's one of the free characters in the next event! Still wanted to draw her though, she's gorgeous. And Klee's story quest made me laugh, so I drew her, too.

5. Tanaka (Haikyuu): I started watching Haikyuu this week, and Tanaka immediately become the character I vibed with the most. I'm a fan of rowdy yet wholesome delinquent-types. Looking forward to watching more!

Hope the week's treated you well, and you're all still staying safe and healthy. Thanks for your support!




Yeah, these are really interesting, at least for me it's always good to know what drives artists to draw certain things even if it's just "thighs good", so keep them coming:)


It's definitely interesting to read what you have to say about each piece of art, I'll be reading them for sure


I like the commentary so keep doing it for as long as you can.


I only recently joined but I appreciate reading your comments about each of your art pieces. I would love it if you kept doing it ^_^


I do enjoy reading your commentary. I find it interesting to see your thoughts/inspiration behind your art!


I love the commentary on your posts, bud!


I forgot to answer last time, but my answer is: Yes, these are interesting. I really like it when Patreon creators write their thoughts about their works. I'd personally still like it if you still send out a a zip file at the end of the month. Maybe I am weird, but I like having "my" Patreon stuff also saved on my hard drive (You never know when a platform might bite the dust). Anyway, thank you for your amazing work, as always c:


Indeed. Hard agree to all this. Also regarding pic #1; "This means something! This is important!"


I didn't answer the last post but I totes dig all your contents dude, anything you make is worth seeing! ^^ I think the ZIP at the beginning of each month is still awesome, I like having that added to my collection (up to 3 years so far! :-D)


i like seeing the commentary. reading why you did each pic is fascinating. please keep doing these posts!


Hey brother, I'm totally down to read through your breakdowns on each piece. Its another aspect of your creative process that I feel is fun to know about. Keep up the great stuff, man! Looking forward to your design auctions too!


Of course I find the commentary interesting. It's pretty fun seeing what train of thought or current trend lead to each piece and how you feel about them. Don't think that you're forced to write them down all the time either though, we've made the choice to support you no matter how much you plan on involving us in your processes and thoughts.


The commentary's nice! I agree, it's nice to know the thoughts behind the art! Make sure to treat your body right though, take time in-between so you don't hurt yourself up in the long run! And yeah, I'm Pro-Zip file. There's something neat about having the art all curated and available locally


I feel guilty for not commenting 😭 I love the commentary, keep it up 👍🏼👍🏼💦💦🍆


Even if I've forgotten to comment, I genuinely love and enjoy seeing your thoughts on each art piece, what inspired it, or what you like/dislike about it, it's a neat look into the process and gives a good background on it we don't get otherwise.