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So, good news and bad news.

Good news first:  there are awesome, honest people who really do support my artwork, and I fucking love you guys.  You give me hope that I can make art a livable profession, and you’re the reason I’m giving this a shot in the first place.  I’m so thankful...I’ve said it dozens of times already, but I really, really am.  (If you haven’t heard about the recent developments in my life, check out this post)

Now for the bad news: some fucking assholes took all the high-res pinups off my Patreon and uploaded them to the free imageboard sites.  

Basically, my Patreon is just a tip jar for people who enjoy my work.  I don’t (and won’t ever) have exclusive, Patreon-only content, because I want everyone to be able to enjoy the art that I work on, not just the people who pay for it.  Literally the only content that I kept just for Patrons were these extra high-res versions of the pinups I was most proud of, as my way of saying, “Thanks for the support.”  

Some people have been scamming the content off my Patreon for quite awhile already.  They pledge the necessary amount ($15), download everything, then immediately cancel their pledge.  I only know about it because I get an email telling me I got a new pledge -- then as soon as I visit my page, I see that it’s gone.  It bums me out, but there isn’t anything I can do about it.  Of course, now they’ve gone one step further and not only scammed the content, but uploaded it elsewhere.  At least that saves other assholes the trouble of stealing it themselves and getting my hopes up for nothing with 5-minute pledges.

Since they’ve already been reposted everywhere anyway, I made all the pinups I have posted here available to everyone, Patron or not.  Sorry to everyone who was kind and honest enough to actually pledge the $15 and also not repost.  I’m not trying to punish you, or throw a fit -- I’m just being realistic about things.  No point in guarding something that’s already been stolen.

There’s only going to be one “reward” from now on (other than the discount on commissions), whether you pledge $1 or $1000 -- a .zip file with all the month’s artwork in it.  I’ll message everyone whose pledge gets processed with a link to the .zip.  Nothing exclusive, nothing fancy, just a convenient way to have all the artwork I’ve done in one place.  Maybe not having rewards will lose me some Patrons, but if you’re only pledging because you want bonus stuff, you’re missing the point.

I’ve seen some people say that Patreon is a big scam, and that artists and other content creators are greedy, entitled assholes for asking for money.  They feel justified for taking content, they feel entitled to it.  To those people, I respectfully say: “Get your head out of your ass.”  All the content you see, whether it’s “free” or not, whether it’s well done or not, was made by someone.  Somebody took time and energy from their limited lifespan to create that song, that piece of art, that story, that movie.  Whether you think they succeeded or not is besides the point -- it still cost them something.  So if they want to be repaid for their effort, how is that greedy?  To me, the real assholes are the ones who think it’s perfectly natural to get something for nothing, who think “give and take” means “you give, and I take.”

It’s as simple as this -- if you think my time, energy, creativity and experience is worth something, pledge your support.  If you enjoy what I have to give and you want to make sure I keep making more, pledge your support.  Don’t pledge if you’re looking for extra special rewards, or to be treated differently than everyone else.  Donate because you care, and you want to see more of the stuff you like.

Thanks again...love ya, everybody.



Well thank you for all the hard work you put into your art. Its truly great stuff!

Chief Bandit

It sucks that this happened and still is honestly, in fact I came across your work from said sites. But since then I've been more and more into your work, you're actually one of my favorite artists :') you draw my favorite characters and damn good too with godlike quality. you've given me a new phone skin and i'll eventually get a wall scroll too or print of a maid or two (wink)(wink) i'm glad to support you man and can't wait for your commissions to be open and i always look forward to your work -@ChiefBanditt on twitter lol

Dexter DePaula

Thanks for the "Care Package" Akairiot, having it all the artworks in one file. Sucks about the bad stuff with the 5 minute pledgers. We are all still here and made it to the $1000 mark. Keep up the work man you deserve it. Peace Easy.

Ryot Control

On the upside, you're 1/3 of the way of your goal to HENTAI TIME ALL THE TIME!!! You can't control the internet, but you can't concern yourself too much with the things out of your control. Focus on the guys who DO stick around by your side. And it looks like you got a nice crew started haha. ALWAYS LOOKING FORWARD TO WHAT YOU MAKE NEXT MAN!


Too true, man. I can't say it enough, but I'm super thankful to all the good people. You rock~


No prob'm~ I'm still amazed I've gotten this far...now I just have to keep working hard to get farther. :)


Many thanks, and I appreciate the support. I'm having fun with the maid series, lol.


Man, that really sucks. Don't worry, you got a loyal supporter in me. I don't really care about bonus content, and I'm glad you haven't gone that route. Just keep on truckin', man!


I've only just found out you exist and it seems your existence is doing well for you and I'm glad! I'm glad which means more lewd art work that I can look at in any time! Thanks for working so hard and I hope to always be inspired and dazzled by *insert thighs here*


Thank you very much! Glad you found me. :) I'll do my best to keep making good stuff~


Hey Akairiot, sorry about all the jerks. I actually found out about you through a free site, so I guess im paying my dues by supporting you. Everything you do with Lucina gives me reason to be joyful. Ill be loyal to you for the rest of your career as an artist. Keep going strong man!


No worries...it's all good. I really, really appreciate it, man. I'm going to be redoing the Lucina/Robin bunny sketch in high-res sometime in the next couple weeks, so hopefully you'll enjoy that! :)


First artist I've ever supported with money, you're awesome and I want to help! Sadly college won't let me pledge much to start...


Even a dollar makes a difference, really. And don't worry about donating anything if times are tough -- take care of yourself! But either way, thank you!


I've been pledging to someone for awhile now and I have to say, very true about what you talk about with how content creators are, and the time they take to make something that they put work into. Hopefully when the funds are right, I can start pledging for you too, your lewd art is great!


Hey Akairiot! I'm a new supporter, just wanted to say I absolutely love your work! You're my favorite lewd artist and I hope you never ever have to go back to a shitty job. I'm still in college, so I can't make a big contribution yet :c Hopefully when I get a source of income, I can put more money towards you because I really do love your work. It got me interested in picking up drawing because I hope to one day make lewd art as good as yours! I'm looking forward to your future work! Best of luck to you :D


Much, much appreciated, dude. Don't worry about pledging more, or at all -- take care of yourself, first. I'll keep doing my best to make good stuff for as long as I can. :)