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I felt that limiting myself to pinups for these Patreon pieces is kind of stifling, so...I tried something different. If you're looking forward to just a cute girl with little/no clothes on, no worries! There'll still be a couple of those in the February Picture Pack.

My inspirations for this piece were Tsutomu Nihei's artwork, Bloodborne, and looking at photos of ball gowns.  I imagine her elegantly walking across a field of skeletons and skulls, pouring blood on them and causing them to awaken. She'd probably be a pretty cool boss in a game. :)

I have kind of a weird range of aesthetics, I know...I go from girls eating burgers to death and devilry. Hopefully y'all can forgive me indulging a little bit in some spooky stuff. Pretend it's October, I guess.

Didn't get as much done this month as I wanted (went to Frostbite, got super sick again), but I'm proud of the stuff I did get done. I'll keep rolling on new art and keep chipping away at my original manga ideas, too! Thanks for sticking with me, y'all.
