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While looking through my old artwork for the 10-year retrospective, I found a couple of drawings I did of an original Medusa-type character -- I still really like her vibe, I wanted to draw some shibari-bound tiddies, so, here we are. I included those two old drawings here, too!

The main thing that makes her design unique is the pseudo-bondage arrangement of the snakes, plus the way she cuts her bangs. As an animal lover who doesn't want anyone to feel bad about some poor reptiles getting chopped, please know that the (imaginary) hair snakes are not intended to be sentient, have no pain receptors, and do not actually bleed. They're just prehensile hair in the form of snakes, they're no worse off than your own hair is when you cut it.

Anyway, monstergirl tiddies. 😌🙏




she looks awesome!