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  • What mission.mp4
  • In your place.mp4



Sadly, these are saved in mp4 format because gifs are dead, but I figured while I let it render, ill show ya whats going on!

This time we got Loona and another (not really) hellhound! Render is progressing slowly as I am putting a lot more into the quality of it, so hopefully it will look great at the end!

This new work schedule is helping me quite a bit, I can relax more, work on extra stuff instead of daily animation, and everything will look better in the end!

Im working on something with Fennix and Volpez as well, which I also attached. It is highly WIP so probably done in a few or more days.

Please let me know what you all think about this kind of change. I am happy with it of course, but youre all the ones paying and my priority is you getting your money's worth




Super happy you're new work schedule is doing you some good!