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Hey all

I was supposed to give you the intro to the next movie, A Fool Moons Night, today. However, after 3 days of rendering, I went to finalize it only to see the werewolf model has a massive, unfixable, glaring issue that cannot be resolved unless I completely replaced the model, and redid all of my animation

Needless to say, I am not doing that.

I have found a slight fix, which you can somewhat see on my twitter page, and have begun rerendering it to reduce this issue as much as I can.

I know it probably is too much, because this genuinely has more errors than I should allow, and I am very annoyed that I was able to catch before I was too far in to fix.

Luckily, this will not affect the rest of the movie. CommandoRekin subbed me his version of the model, which (as of now, at least) does not seem to have this issue.

Rendering, with any luck, should be done tomorrow or the day after if everyone goes well. I apologize for how it will look, but hope you can look past those issues and see the work and interest I put behind it otherwise.




No worries at all. Excited to see it anyways! The premise is great.