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Damn this one took a while to complete. Thanks for being patient everyone! I'm gonna need a bit more time to get Noelle's hair fixed up, so expect her debut next month!

As for content this coming month, since this month was very Drakenier heavy, I'm thinking of focusing on characters from other stuff this coming month aside for Noelle. Once I have a better idea of the lineup, I'll let y'all know!

Take care and hope you enjoy!! 




The nail/claw imprints and reflections are fantastic, they really add another element to this also really interesting clothing choice, does she actually wear this?


Thanks so much!! Had fun working on that part especially when doing this. And yes actually!! This outfit is her most recent summer skin haha

Dante Vale

The lighting alone is stellar (I see that water reflection too). I could go on a tangent with all the other details I notice, especially the hands, but I'll spare you and summarize my thoughts: I absolutely love how this came out.




givve me them cake 🍑