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Been wanting to use their alt outfits from Reincarnation for quite some time. They're supposed to be of the two before they became replicants, during a time of happier moments.

Wanted to play around with some more dynamic posing and came up with these two in the process. A good mix of wholesome and not-so-wholesome.

Hope you enjoy ^^

Will look into uploading project files when I get the time to. have a lot I need to clean up with these. 




7,i love it Perfect!! More Kainé 😉please


Haha being how I've become more known for Kainé work lately, I'll be sure to do so!


Absolutely in love with this, you've truly outdone yourself again and I just don't know how. The sculpting in the second image is truly a work of art from the back muscles to her butt, it just emanates passion and attention to detail. You really did capture such an intimate mood with this one and I'm loving that we got wholesome and "not so wholesome" together too lol.


This is some of your best work yet the lightning and poses are beautiful the texture is amazing 👏 Wholesome with a kiss of tasteful nudity


Thanks for that! Yeahh that second one was really fun to sculpt, especially since a lot of that detailing wasnt there to begin with. Gave a lot for me to play around with. Was thinking about doing stuff in this manner a bit more when possible, so that I have a good bit of balance of sfw and nsfw stuff. Been noticing that I've been getting a growth of people from the sfw side of the fanbase, and know that the nsfw stuff aint really their thing, or vice versa.


Hehe I see what you did there. Those are some kind words though in all seriousness. Means a lot when people find a new favorite in my work. Shows I'm still improving in ways ^^


So cute! Best Drakenier ship 🥰


What do you mean by not so wholesome? This ship is wholesome whether naked or not. Stuff like this makes me happy.


Oh another thing I forgot to mention was the creativity with the lighting, the fireworks are such a great addition to your repertoire. Also that I love it even more because Kainé is always a joy to see.


I would like to add something to say about details on the photo (intimate moment ^^) Light effects, shadow of Kainé's ribs, wow.. I used my phone the first time I saw, but here on my pc.. I love it, yes more Kainé haha. I'll tell you again Seven, you're one of my favorite artists, and besides, you do NierVerse!! (and FF) Cheer. (I'll send you a message in PM. I would like to ask something.)


Scenes that are equally beautiful and hot! 😍 Amazing work, man!


Haha thanks! Thought it'd be a fun excuse to throw in some unnatural colors into the mix to make the lighting more interesting that the usual whites, blues, and yellows.


Aw thanks for noticing that! Always gets a lil tricky when placing the lightsource behind the subjects, but was happy to be able to get that detailing showing there. Really do appreciate the kind words. means a lot to me when others, let alone fellow artists, look up to my work or love the work I do. ^^ And yeah sure, will be checking dm's!


much love! been having a lot more fun doing stuff like this lately, so it's comforting to see the positive feedback!


Wow this is really breathtaking. Love it