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So I've been spending a while whenever I was up for it during the recovery period to work on my own Lightning model and figured it was time to give her a test run. Saw quite a few people suggest her in my tweet asking who they'd like to see more of and agree that she's super underrated! Has been one of my favorite FF characters for some time, despite the games.

As always, with each SFW piece comes something not so much soon after. Started up some additional projects so I can start cruising through Oct easier, being how OW2 and Spy x Family pt.II will be premiering as well. Want to make things easier! Stay tuned for all that!

Hope you enjoy this lil premiere for now and will be back again soon!

Remember that the end of the month is coming soon. If you're still pledged and didn't want to be anymore, but haven't unsubscribed bc of the paused month, remember to cancel before the end of the month. Thanks for having supported. To the rest of you, see y'all in October. Said this a few times already, but will be taking it easy for the remainder of the month to be creatively ready for the upcoming months!

Take care! <3




I've always loved Lightning! Can't wait to see more of her, already looking great.


Thanks! Yeahh I feel there's a lot of people who like her, but there simply hasn't been a whole lot made of her. Figured i'd try to step up and represent her a lil bit to duke out w the other FF giants like FF7R. Was going to work on Fang as well some day! ^^


Hi Seven, - Firstly, your pictures are great, actually i use them for wallpapers. FF girls and NieR girls are my favorites characters. - Secondly, actually i use XPS for pose 3Dmodels , so funny i think for you, lol, oneday i want to learning blender or any 3d software. About your NSFW models, mainly what bodies do you use for? DAZ? I hope a Zero NSFW, when i will use 3D CG software. **Sorry my English sucks..


Aw thanks SeFFy! Actually, I tend to use a LOT of XPS models too in Blender haha. Makes my life easiest when it comes to getting the accuracies down fast with proportions. As for bodies, I dont think I have any go-to one. A lot of the time, I just work on the go, so I dont spend the time to fully flush out a model with both a nude body and its original, and sorta just tweak the materials of whichever body I wanna grab from and make it match the body of whoever and be sure skin tones match. Def a bit of extra tedious work and slower in the long run, but faster to output for me per piece, as I dont know if i'll be returning to a character after using once. Don't want to commit time where I likely dont need to. Most of the time though, its usually a variant of G8, or Wildeer's bod. Dont worry about the English. I'm just glad to see people outside of the US enjoy my work too. Thanks ^^