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Hey everyone!

Took a while to get the gears goin, but finally got some work finished up. Been enjoying doing these ultrawide renders, and felt that Kaine needed one as well. Thanks to the help of Foxxo7D, managed to get Nier rigged up and ready to use for future works. If I can get the all clear, I'll share the model with you all in the Creator Tier and simply send some royalties his way for being allowed to do so!

Figured I'd do a bit of a wholesome piece, inspired by a piece I saw on Pinterest of Nier and her doing everyday tasks, like braiding her hair. I just crave to see her happier since the games give so little of that. Was planning on getting another piece done as a followup that'll def be a bit more on the NSFW side, so stay tuned.

To update on hardware, the correct parts are in the works and should be shipping to me this week, so I should be able to get more out for y'all.

Thanks a lot for being so understanding and patient with me. You guys are truly the best <3

See y'all soon and hope you enjoy!!





Always love seeing more NieR content from you!


Aww man....now I gotta reply this game again, nice work as always 👏


Haha appreciate it Kris! I just listen to the soundtracks now whenever I work on nier related content and need to get into the feels. Glad you like man!


This is far prettier than it has any right to be, the attention in the rigging really did pay off. Absolutely ecstatic to see a new wholesome work and to see that things are going well too.


Such a beautiful piece! 😍 It truly is wholesome getting to see Kaine and company enjoying a rare moment of peace. Plus the small peek of Kaine's caboose is a welcome bonus too 😉


It felt great to be able to do this piece as a returning piece. Been enjoying doing more wholesome/sfw stuff here and there to change up the content for myself, so I'll likely be weaving them in with the naughtier stuff. Glad you like friend!


Thank you thank you man! They seriously dont get enough of it in-game, so I'll be throwing in some random what-if renders of her happier like this. And yes, only felt right to sneak in a lil peek haha


Kaine Kaine