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Hey look at that, I'm a bit more on top of getting the archive link up on time. This'll be the link to all my stuff for the month! Lmk if there are issues with it! 

*EDIT* Having issues with being able to create new links today, so decided to change the name of a different folder and share through there. pls lemme know if it works now. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

"Hi Seven,

This email is an automated notification from Dropbox that your Public links have been temporarily suspended for generating excessive traffic."

This was the email I got. Have a 24 hr suspension. The link should work sometime tomorrow since I upgraded plans. Sorry for the inconvenience.

**EDIT EDIT EDIT** Alright, I don't think I'm suspended anymore, so for those who havent gotten access to the archive before, hopefully it works now. So sorry about that!



Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!



Uh oh, I'm getting a 404 for this 😕


Thanks so much for upgrading and updating the link! Working fine for me now