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Jessie Rasberry decided to get it in before goin off to fight Shinra...

Finally got to doing something with her, after so many months of wanting to! Decided to spend some time with sculpting this one and happy with how it turned out. Hope you guys enjoy as well!

Got one more OW piece coming up next for the final commission, and then I'm gonna try to get one more Nier piece in afterwards to wrap up January. Been one hell of a busy month!

Hope you guys are staying safe and healthy!





Oh this one is real good. Contender for new fav of mine easily. The arching, the skin being gripped, the expression, the subtlety of it all not focusing on the insertion y'know, topped off with that background. This is perfection, every time I think that you've done enough, you outdo yourself again and again. I have nothing but praise, you deserve it.


Thanks Glob! I know you've been waiting on this one, so wanted to make sure I did something a bit more dynamic to get more sculptwork going. Definitely proud of how this one came out in the end ^^ Glad to hear you especially liking this one friend!


I'm insanely happy to see my favourite FFVII girl getting some love! I really wish I could put into words just how great your work is. You're amazing, Seven!


Ahhhh! She's my favorite too! Sorry for taking so long to get something out with her in it! Been wanting to do this one first before the Tifa set way back, but had issues with the assets I had of her at the time. Will try to fit her more often into the rotation if possible ^^


Hey, if we get more works of Jessie, than I am all for it! However, I chose to support you because I love your work - regardless of the subject matter! You're an amazing artist, and I'm proud to be able to support you! Keep up the great work, Seven! 😊

Mr. B

The best part of the FF7 remake is that it made me kind of start caring about characters that I overlooked or ignored during the PS1 years. Couldn't give a shit about Jessie back then. Now, I'd definitely bomb mako reactor with her.

Mr. B

Also, this **** is super omg hot. New windows lock screen.


I totally agree! She was pretty insignificant in the original game, but Im glad they managed to flush her out a whole lot more in the reboot.


This is actually insanely good. The detail in incredible. One of the best I've ever seen.


Wow. That means a lot Clarfus. Thanks a lot for that. I try to detail in wherever it seems fit!