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Hey guys,

It has come to my attention that a Patreon creator under the name of hotbbs has been selling others' works on their creator's page. There's literally nothing worse one could do to an artist than taking credit for their work and profit off of it. Ends up being very discouraging for myself especially to want to post stuff on public platforms.

If you could report them at https://www.patreon.com/hotbbs please do so, and if you're a patron of them, I can't tell you who you should and shouldn't support, but please at least report the posts related to my work. Thanks.

Will return with more content first week of Oct. Love yall <3




Damn, that's just devastating to hear... Sorry you got caught up in this 😓 Thanks for letting us know aswell, I'll definitely report them




I checked them out and while I did I also found this : https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/208377833-How-do-I-send-a-DMCA-takedown-notice- Might be helpful...


I'll do my part, you and everyone else deserve it.


Already reported Since you are the copyright owner, you should maybe initiate a DMCA takedown?


What reason should I give in the report, options are limited when you're not supporting them and I can't find anything about stealing content 😫


yeah been considering that, but due to the fact that doin so will become a legal issue, I will have to give up personal info that will become public, which could lead to problems of its own


just reporting through their account by clicking the three dots icon, and then saying it's bc of something they've posted will be enough. I've already contacted about pieces being taken from myself and others, so it's more for bringing awareness to the issue. Appreciate the help from all of ya. Means a lot, especially since this has been happening more often recently with people selling my work as nfts as well


I can't report because of something they've posted if I'm not pledged 😫


Very sorry to hear about this, man. What a despicable thing for another person to do. I’ve reported their account, and hopefully this will be made right soon 🙏


done, but more people need to report for them to take action