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This post comes to you courtesy of lovely patron Chris Stagno, who pointed out that I've been on a lot of podcasts to promote Quinns Quest, and suggested that some kind of roundup would be helpful.

Today I sat down to count them all, and Chris was totally right! 😅 Below you can find maybe 9 hours of quality Quinns qontent? I've written little descriptions so you can pick and choose stuff you might find fun or interesting.

The below list is ordered from least self-indulgent to most self-indulgent.

Bastionland Podcast - Tabletop Roleplaying Game Design - Quintin Smith's Rule of Three

If you only listen to one podcast appearance from this list, I'd make it this one. Chris McDowall, creator of such influential RPGs as Into the Odd, Electric Bastionland and the upcoming Mythic Bastionland had me on his podcast for a super rewarding discussion orbiting three games of my choice: the TTRPG Torchbearer, the board game Sidereal Confluence, and the Chinese murder game sensation that is Jubensha. Chris is altogether too smart and was able to take the points I was making and raise them into a whole discussion.

Adventure Tourism - Another Bug Hunt feat. Quinns

Our second podcast is me pallin' around with yet another British designer called Chris (I know!). The scope of Chris Bissette's Adventure Tourism show is totally different, at least. This is Chris and me talking about a single adventure module, and I went with the introductory module for Mothership, titled Another Bug Hunt. You can think of this as like a fun prologue for the Mothership review that'll be appearing on Quinns Quest later this year (although my opinions on the game have evolved quite a bit since we recorded this).

RTFM - RTFM: Pasión de las Pasiones

This episode technically came out last summer, but I'm including it here because (a) it's still me guesting on a TTRPG podcast and (b) I loooove RTFM. In the past I've mentioned being proud of my own journalism when I make something that's simultaneously smarter and dumber than other shows you could be watching, and that's how I feel about RTFM. They're effortlessly incisive and frequently hilarious. This episode covers telenovela TTRPG Pasión de las Pasiones, which is much the same thing- a smart piece of design in the service of making something ridiculous.

Between Two Cairns - Silent Titans

Cairn is one of the most influential RPGs in the Old School Revival movement, but you don't need to know anything about it to enjoy the designer's podcast, which looks at a different OSR module in each episode. They chose a REAL HUM-DINGER for my appearance: Silent Titans by the inexhaustibly creative writer Patrick Stuart. This hardback book has a strong case for being the trippiest dungeon money can buy, and chatting about it on this show was a blast.

Yes Indie'd Pod - Meeting Games Where They're At [w/ Quinns]

Yes Indie'd was one of the podcasts I was listening to for edification and for fun in the run-up to launching Quinns Quest, so it was an honour to be invited onto the show by Thomas Manuel for a chat with the recurring theme of "How do you even review TTRPGs, exactly?" Thomas has such wonderful energy! He's so considered and gentle and warm. If you've not listened to this podcast yet, I'd encourage you to become a lifelong fan.

TABLETOP TALK - Third Floor Wars - Quintin Smith (Shut Up & Sit Down, Quinn's Quest) Interview: ep. 221

Speaking of terrific interviewers, Craig of Tabletop Talk is just fantastic at what he does. This show felt like I was on Hot Ones or something- Craig had thought so much about what to ask me, and pried unusual insights from me like a tomb robber slipping gemstones from a dusty tomb. I could only give him an hour instead of the two hours he wanted, but listening back to this episode, I was full of regret that I couldn't find out what else he had planned for our chat.

Quinns Quest is making Dragon killers out of indie games, one episode at a time (rascal.news)

Not technically a podcast (not even a little bit of a podcast, honestly), but my profile on new, fantastic TTRPG news site Rascal came out beautifully. Lin Codega is a beast, and after this interview - I hope they don't mind me saying this - I think of them as both a colleague and a friend. Speaking of which...

The Games Press - Episode 18: Quintin Smith (People Make Games)

My friend and colleague Chris Bratt, who I co-own People Make Games with, interviewed me for his spin-off podcast The Games Press, which is the show to go to for a deeper insight on how the games press works (and why it often doesn't). This is a pretty inside baseball chat about how we work well together, what's powered my career so far, and what Chris has learned from me.

Is that everything? I think that's everything. FOR NOW.

-- Quinns


Brett Rolfe

So many hours of joyful listening! Interesting to hear your comment about embedding the humour in the content… at some point John Cleese was talking about the writing of Fawlty Towers and the way that they tried to ensure that jokes never got in the way of the plot. In fact the goal was to made the jokes work hard by actually delivering the plot points. And you can see that when you watch it… brilliant stuff.

Jacob LaBruzzo

I love this! Always down for more listening material to get the creative juices flowing for GMing

Ainar Miyata

This list has given me so much life. It’s so enjoyable to listen to you chat with and get to know the people in the space. It really does feel like you are on a quest, and it’s great. Also, many wonderful new podcasts to listen to.

Todd Christiansen

Oh my God I literally cried laughing during the "So Hot/So Not" segment on Between Two Cairns 😭😭😭 Exactly the kind of unhinged energy I needed in my life.


Finished listening to all of these today. Really great hearing you bounce off other creators in dialogue with each others' ideas. And I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. That's really tough, man.