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I wish I could say this was a happy new year, but that would be a lie. I spent my Christmas in the ER, and ever since October my patron earnings have been taking a nosedive, I had planned to purchase a 2080Ti this month and a second one in February. That's clearly not going to happen this month.

That also means I won't be able to start working until the 10th of January. I sold one of my 2080's in preparation to buy the Ti which leaves me with only one GPU. I am now going to start full time job again and I'll revisit the choice sometime after the next update. Depending on how things go (Hopefully better.) I will then decide what to do. One thing is for sure. I am still going to get that Ti and possibly a second one down the road, but at this rate they will take much longer than anticipated. 

 So, with the the pleasantries out of the way, I hope the rest of you had a much better start of the year, and don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I promised that no matter what I'll stick around and work on these. I am however going to work at the pace goals dictate. if that doesn't agree with you, then by all means, do what everyone else has been doing for the last few months.

Talk to you all soon. Hopefully with some good news on the 10th of January on a new GPU and the start of Alison Dom biweekly work for this month and the next 6 weeks after the 10th.


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