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I've noticed that some people feel like the updates are slow. I can't do anything aside from getting better hardware.

if you want to get faster and still quality updates... Help me reach my goals so I can finish building my secondary system. 

I currently have the CPU as stated months ago. SSD, M.2 SSD, and a 2TB WD Black HDD ready to go.
Along with 32GB of RAM which will have to do for a secondary system for now. I'm still missing the most important parts. GPU(s) and the motherboard. I can't use my old B450 since it is not an SLI motherboard and it won't even work with next-gen Ryzens on its current bios.

 In short, too much hassle to take apart my current working system just to update bios on that 100$ Mobo.
The real question and the answer some of you may be looking for is... How much faster are we talking about? Those of you who know me, know that I have never made a promise I could not keep.

So, with that in mind, if I reach my 1500$ goal, I'll deliver monthly as in when I say "Starting work on Alison" From that date a full 30 days will be the maximum wait time for delivery. Possibly faster, but I'm not going to promise it without first seeing the gains from two systems.

The updates may or may not be as big as what we/you're used too right now, but they will certainly be faster. I'll know exacts once I have tested the setup with two PCs. 

Talk to you guys soon. As promised, this coming weekend I'll know how much time I will need to put things together and release Shrink 0.2.


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