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Thank you for your cooperation in the survey.

I received a lot of great ideas that I would not have normally drawn or thought of. We want to draw them all and will eventually draw them all, but we apologize in advance for the time it will take.





can't wait and take your time if you get around to the warframes one it'll be awesome and worth the wait and if end up not being able to draw them thats fine too your worth the wait


Sorry to leave your great idea out for so long, Warframe is difficult to draw and I don't know if it will turn out the way you want, but I hope to work on it as soon as possible. I wish I were an artist who could draw a lot faster.


don't sweat it your art is worth the wait even if you take longer than you like I will gladly wait for it keep up the good work


I will endeavor not to keep you waiting too much. Thanks for your concern.