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※決して体調崩したりしてるわけではないのでご心配なく!Don't worry, I'm not sick at all!



Rumia Soda

Orcaaaaaa~!!! I want to lick heeeerrrr~!!!!! Aaaah~!!!


I love Orca! The base of her tail, joining her ass, is so sexy!


Stay Strong!

Xanthos Draxx

Looks good! Everyone needs to rest from time to time. Don't feel guilty over it. Take the time you need to come back to it fresh.


Take as much time off as you need until you are ready to draw again, because you draw better when you are rested and motivated! We'll support you no matter what, since like we said before you do so much already more than other artists that rarely update!

Eric Lamb

Well, still nice to get some Orca ass anytime c:


You don’t need to apologize, you usually would submit the drawing every 3-4days, but you have been exerting yourself too much recently, don’t rush just relax and follow your plan, you don’t need to follow our request every time if it’s effecting your plan and time. and if you’re rushing to finish, it can effect your work and mental health too. your work is delicate which can’t be finished in just few days, so take your time we can wait Bro 😙🎶

Meat Toilet

you draw more than any artist I know don't feel bad for taking breaks! I think the Orca picture looks great.


Thank youヽ(^。^)ノ休むより、より良い絵が描けて提供できたら一番うれしいなぁ。。。がんばります!!


Thank you as alwaysヽ(^。^)ノたまにこうして失敗してしまうけど、元気にたくさんの絵を描いてくつもりです!!へこたれない!!


ヽ(^。^)ノThank you,,,次はもっとちゃんと描きたいです、、、せっかくのorcaちゃんなのにこんなんですみません!!


Thank you as alwaysヽ(^。^)ノ元気になりました!!!こうやって大失敗をすると、落ち着いてまた頑張ろうと思えます。。。どんなに躓いても焦ったりしないで頑張れるようにします!!


Thank you!!!ヽ(^。^)ノ大失敗しちゃったけど、次からまたがんばります!!

Brunosky Inc.

Orca is so beautiful! I love it when you draw her <3 Also, don't feel ashamed about needing to rest; we understand c:


this post makes it sound like you worry too much, relax and calm down, your diligence is amazing and your dedication incredibly admirable, but it does feel like you push yourself sometimes. its okay to rest and relax sometimes! that said, i look forward to your next works and future endeavors, (^ o^)b


Sensei, I am sorry for see your post late. You been wonderful artist, your drawing is amazing and you been posting alot. It is totally fine to take a break and relax. No need to apologize. Take your time to have a break and do some another hobby ^.^. Love you alot sensei.


オリ娘のオルカちゃんはラフ画であってもかわいいのだ٩( ᐛ )و




thank you. The happiest thing for me is to draw a lot of illustrations that will make you happy. It's very hard not to be able to draw it. I always want to fulfill my duty.


Thank you as always. I always want to fulfill my duty. I don't want to spoil myself too much. However, it can sometimes be debilitating. But after a big depression, I can get well again.


Thank youヽ(^。^)ノ I'm not very tired, but I'm very sad that I can't provide you with a lot of value. I want to be able to always draw wonderful illustrations in good spirits.


なんとなーくやりたいことはわかるような? 普段シコってるドスケベキャラのカッコいいシーンもまたいいものだと思うのです。エロだけじゃなくて色んなパターンがみたい!