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Sorry, no matter what I draw, it's in a bad state, I'm sorry.すみません、何描いてもダメダメ状態、無念です





Don't push yourself too hard. You're doing great. (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc) I think I understand a little. This drawing looks more like a younger Orca than we are used to. Maybe she is slightly longer? Or more slender? Regardless it looks different from the other depictions. There could be many reasons for this. Could be a robot frame Orca wore when she was younger. You could spin it into being a different character. Like a younger sister. Sorry if this is weird to say. (⌒_⌒;) I think it is interesting! And I am happy to see this drawing. Yes. More importantly. I still want to bury my face in her ass. I want her to carry my children. (≧◡≦) I am still in love with this depiction. It is wonderfully erotic. Please do not hate this picture. Because I like it a lot. ❤❤❤


I wish there will be a hentai game that we can fuck orca ass