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I can't talk about the details because it would be a privacy issue, but several people have become frustrated and saddened by my drawing of their personal original characters. This is due to my inadequacy, but it is also a difficult problem for me to solve. Therefore, I don't want to add more sad people, so I probably won't be able to answer any more requests, especially from the owner of the original character or those who are close to it... I may draw the ones that I have received requests for in the past and are on the list, but I don't think I will be receiving new ones for a while now. I'm sorry. Sorry about that. I seem to be disappointing and giving a lot of people a hard time lately, and it's very painful... I'm sorry...



Kojo Andoh

Your works are amazing and were all very grateful for the opportunity to draw our original characters, please continue to do your best, and I’m certain you will continue to prosper.


While it is something I am sad to hear. It is understandable that you would make this decision. Having my character be drawn by the legendary Pochincoff has been my dream. Thankfully I managed to place a request before they closed!!! \( ̄▽ ̄)/ Maybe there will be a time when it becomes possible again. If not, that will be alright as well. Regardless I look forward to seeing your drawings in the future. I am always been happy with your drawings. I love Pochincoff!!! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )❤❤❤